none that you can cross reference like that, that I know of.
The Data Model Resource book by Len Silverstien Wiley pubs you may get
out of the library givesyou the data storage, that OFBIZ is based on.
look through the Catalog component OFbiz a vendor is one that sells products from the company and
supplier is the one that sells product to the company.
BJ Freeman
http://bjfreeman.elance.comStrategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <> <>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man
alanmoor sent the following on 7/1/2010 2:18 PM:
> I have slogged through the document site and googled and tried hard to find
> any documentation that would assist in the evaluation of OFBiz. I have a
> customer that has provided a list of functionality required for an inventory
> management system. Is there anything similar amongst you folks? For
> instance, customer has an item that states "Must track inventory by Vendor".
> Where would I look to see if OFBiz provides this out of the box?
> If there is obvious documentation out there, I apologize for being a nube.
> I just couldn't find it.
> Thanks,
> Al