Fw: Sales Tax

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Fw: Sales Tax

Jacques Le Roux
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From: Jacques Le Roux
Not sure of your question/ issue but beware that tax is applied to the client. The client by default in POS is unknown (_NA_), so his/her geoId . Hence you must set also _NA_ with the value of PA and it should work like you want (after all you are selling in PA isn'it ?).
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Branden Strickland
  To: [hidden email] ; Jacques Le Roux
  Sent: Monday, March 10, 2008 9:40 PM
  Subject: Re: Sales Tax


  I've gotten everything (store, product, party) set for my geo id, and tax vat id.  
  I've set up accounting for the tax_authority and set it to my categories, and my store.  
  I've looked through and grepped for so much stuff that would have to do with tax, but to no avail.  I've read over the document you gave me, but look below.

  when I run the POS terminal I get this
   for condition:((productStoreId = '9100' OR productStoreId IS NULL) AND ((taxAuthPartyId = '_NA_' AND taxAuthGeoId = '_NA_') OR (taxAuthPartyId = 'NY_DTF' AND taxAuthGeoId = 'NY') OR (taxAuthPartyId = 'USA_IRS' AND taxAuthGeoId = 'USA')) AND (productCategoryId IS NULL OR productCategoryId IN ( 'mamascategory' )) AND (minItemPrice IS NULL OR minItemPrice <= '1.5') AND (minPurchase IS NULL OR minPurchase <= '1.5'))

  Even though in my retail store (modified version not new version of your demo retail store). ID is 9001.  But for some reason it's still looking for _NA_ NY and USA, which is what it was to begin with.  

  I did populate the db with demo data, so if something is hard coded in, I'd love to know where to change it :P

  Thanks Jacques (or anyone else).

  Sorry to keep bothering you!

  On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 2:33 PM, Branden Strickland <[hidden email]> wrote:

    Nevermind I got it after I removed the "product info" info.

    hope I didn't have you diggin around!

    THanks for the prior advice too!

    On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Branden Strickland <[hidden email]> wrote:

      Thank you!!

      I actually just found it right before I read your email.  Here's what I did.

      I made a PA state tax party group.  

      I went to accounting, and set up the new tax authority, but accidently bound it to my Company ID.  Not the PA tax auth party (I thought it was asking me which store to apply the tax to).
      Now I can't delete the tax auth through the webapps, or my 'mysql' query analyzer.  I now get a foreign key constraint for that as well.. DOH!

      Any options at this point other than using manual intervention with the a SQL DELETE command?

      Thanks Jacques!

      On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Jacques Le Roux <[hidden email]> wrote:

        From: "Branden Strickland" <[hidden email]>

        > If I'm using the Sales tax for the POS application, must I create a (I live
        > in the USA in Pennsylvania) PA tax party, and then set my store tax info to
        > PA and set the Tax Auth ID to the party I set?

        Did you read http://docs.ofbiz.org/display/OFBTECH/OFBiz%27s+Tax+Authority+Data+Model ?

        You must create a PA tax authority, add concerned categorie(s) of products, and set a product rate of 5% for this(those)
        categorie(s) in relation with your store.

        Have a look at https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/accounting/control/EditTaxAuthorityRateProducts?taxAuthPartyId=_NA_&taxAuthGeoId=_NA_
        which is the default Party used for POS client (but PA will be the one for your store, see Vat Tax Auth Geo Id and Vat Tax Auth
        Party Id)
