Fw: VAT and gross pricing

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Fw: VAT and gross pricing

Jacques Le Roux
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> From: "Chris Howe" <[hidden email]>
> > Thank you for the link.  Looking over...
> > http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/taxation/vat/traders/invoicing_rules/article_1733_en.htm#1.4.1
> > ...
> >
> > #12 says that you're to itemize things the same as we
> > do in the US, unless your unit price includes VAT.  So
> > my question remains...who is making you include VAT in
> > your unit price?  The EC doesn't appear to be.  Is it
> > the local country governments or is it simply custom?
> From here (french) I'm quite sure that it's local country governments at least in France for retail (but I'm pretty sure it's the
> same in other EU coutries : customers want to know the price they will *really*  pay !)
> Hence the retailer habit to manipulate groos prices.
> http://www.minefi.gouv.fr/DGCCRF/04_dossiers/consommation/ficonso/b01.htm
> "visibles et lisibles, exprimés en euros et toutes taxes comprises".
> Toutes Taxes Comprises (TTC) means taxes included.