Fwd: Re: Getting more consistence in the way the Edit Screens are accessed

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Fwd: Re: Getting more consistence in the way the Edit Screens are accessed

Bilgin Ibryam

----- Forwarded message from [hidden email] -----
     Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 23:05:37 +0200
     From: Bilgin Ibryam <[hidden email]>
Reply-To: Bilgin Ibryam <[hidden email]>
  Subject: Re: Getting more consistence in the way the Edit Screens  
are accessed
       To: Bruno Busco <[hidden email]>

Quoting Bruno Busco <[hidden email]>:

> Hi All,
> I noted that the way to access to Edit screens from a item list is sometime
> not consistent:
> sometimes like here:
> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/catalog/control/FindProductConfigItems
> there is the "Edit" button ONLY
> sometimes like here:
> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/catalog/control/EditFeatureCategories
> there is the hyperlink on the ID ONLY
> sometimes like here:
> https://demo.hotwaxmedia.com/catalog/control/FindProductStore
> there is BOTH the hyperlink AND the "Edit" button
> Could we agree with a standard so that we can fix it?
> I personally think that the Edit screen should always be available using the
> hyperlink on the Item Id or name (generally displayed in the first column).
> So I propose to get rid of the "Edit" buttons and adding the hyperlinks
> where there are not.
> What do you think about?
> -Bruno

Bruno, I think this is a great initiative.

+ 1 for having a consistence. (At least to have a consensus for it).

Having two links that point to the same place, is really confusing.

I'd prefer to have the "Edit" word on the header row and hyperlink on
the Item Id.


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