GL Account Type / Class / Parent

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GL Account Type / Class / Parent
Hi there,

Again this old question: What is the best way to find out about

GL Account Type / Class / Parent ?

What I tried so far:

*Data Model Resource Book


*OMG LEDG (General Ledger) specification

* The OFBiz Mailgroup

I seemed to have attained a fairly clear picture until I checked:

* The source code

With this new information at hand, I would answer my own question in the
following way:

To understand, what these fields mean and do, simply look at the source
code. For
each of them there are only a view hits in the code (which reflects well
on OFBiz development!) and even fewer that are actual logic and not

=== The results ===

1) "parentGlAccountId":

You will find, that it is only used for the tree view in
accounting/control/GlAccountNavigate (source:
./applications/accounting/widget/AccountingTrees.xml). (I.e. has no
actual transactional meaning). (Please correct me, if I am wrong)

2) "glAccountClassId":

a) Determines whether to credit or debit an account.
b) Used to create totals in reports: Balance sheet, income and cash flow

3) "glAccountTypeId":

a) Used in
to find a GL Account ID if only the type of the transaction is known (?)
b) Used in
and GeneralLedgerServices.xml (from above) to handle RETAINED_EARNINGS

== Open Questions ===

A) Is the above more or less correct?

B) I was pretty surprised, that the AccountType is used to calculate the
"RETAINED_EARNINGS" (compare 3.b) above) on the balance sheet and not
the corresponding
AccountClass (which I think is the standard behavior for all other
accounts on the cart of accounts).
Am I missing something, or what is the reason for this departure?

C) What would be the most intelligent way to add translations for the
account names (and even types and classes) without breaking
compatibility with future updates to OFBiz?

Looking forward to your answers,
