General customization

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General customization

When you create your own component and you create your own entitymodel.xml containing the element <extend-entity> as specified in the previous posting, ofbiz will automatically make the necessary changes to the database during the next ofbiz startup.

I gathered from your previous posting that you wanted to modify/extend an existing entity.  This is usually the work of a develop as it would, most likely, involve coding of some sort to accommodate the change in the entity.

Can you give a more detailed explanation of what you want to do?  Specifically what you mean by customization?  What exactly do you want to customize?  I'm assuming from your previous posting, it is the entity model of an existing component in ofbiz.
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Re: General customization

BJ Freeman
I assume you have used ant create-component and now building it.
this way no patches from the Jira will overwrite.
you can add and existing entity def to your component and modify it or
you can use the extend-entity
if you use and entity with the same name as one that exist your, since
it is loaded last will overwrite the previous entity def loaded.

Bubbly sent the following on 7/27/2010 2:39 AM:

> Hi,
> I have tried some first step customizations of ofbiz. And I learned that I
> have to edit the basic configuration xmls. So if I install the patch that
> would overwrite  my customizations, isnt it?
> If i am changing entitydef.xml, is there any other better way to extend the
> entity definition with out touching the out of the box components/files?
> Thanking in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Bubbly