Getting translated entity rows using delegator

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Getting translated entity rows using delegator

Trenton Perceval
Hi guys.
I asking you for help. There are few rows in FixedAssetType entity by default in the OFBiz database.
I have some form with drop-down list as follows:

<drop-down allow-empty="true">
	<entity-options entity-name="FixedAssetType"
		key-field-name="fixedAssetTypeId" description="${description}">

I set my locale using the browser and every row of FixedAssetType is translated properly. That's ok.

There is another situation, when I work with this entity.
I have another form of type list, which, again, shows all the rows from the database. But now I do the reading using Groovy and delegator. I am doing it by the following code:

Delegator dlg = delegator;
fields = UtilMisc.toSet("fixedAssetTypeId", "description");
fixedAssetTypeData = dlg.findList("FixedAssetType", null, fields, null, null, true);

Now, despite locale set not to en, I don't get the rows translated. They are in English.
Why is it so? How to get rows translated using delegator, not Minilang?