Dear Madam, dear Sir,
As a student in Applied IT Management at the Hogeschool Gent, I conduct an investigation about a Go To Market of an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) application as separate module to an Open Source ERP System. Both the electronic exchange of messages, like orders, dispatching advices and invoices (EDI), as the development and use of Open Source ERP systems have evolved significantly the last few years. The goal of my final paper will be to find out whether these two systems can cooperate in order to optimize the exchange of data between companies financially, commercially en technically.
I would like to use your expertise to get a better view on the existing market of EDI tools and open source ERP systems, as well as the demand on the market for both tools, used separately or integrated
May I therefore ask you to complete the online survey on to the best of your abilities? It will take you about 5 minutes.
I would like to stress that your answers will be treated with discretion and that you will get the possibility to study the results of this survey whenever you like
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Erik De Kuyffer
[hidden email]