HUMANRES_ADMIN Permission Not Found

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HUMANRES_ADMIN Permission Not Found

Koon Sang
Why is the permission "HUMANRES_ADMIN" in the table security_group_permission but not in the table security_permission?

How do I assign HR admin rights to a security group?

Ofbiz version: 9.04 (2010-02-17)
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Re: HUMANRES_ADMIN Permission Not Found

Hi Koon Sang,

I believe it could be due to the following reasons:
1) To avoid HUMANRES_ADMIN permission being added to security_group other than the existing ones with HUMANRES_ADMIN permission, or
2) The HUMANRES_ADMIN permission is mistakenly left out of the security_permission.

In either case, you can add the HUMANRES_ADMIN permission in the security_permission if you required it.


Koon Sang wrote
Why is the permission "HUMANRES_ADMIN" in the table security_group_permission but not in the table security_permission?

How do I assign HR admin rights to a security group?

Ofbiz version: 9.04 (2010-02-17)