Having problem displaying PayPal as a payment option in ofBiz

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Having problem displaying PayPal as a payment option in ofBiz

John Martin
I'm trying to get PayPal to appear as a payment method in the
checkout.  It seems as though the necessary code to display PayPal is
missing.  I looked into the
applications/ecommerce/webapp/ecommerce/order/billsettings.ftl and
there was no reference to a Paypal (EXT_PAYPAL) radio button.  I added
the following into the two sections of the template so that I can
choose PayPal in the form.

          <#if productStorePaymentMethodTypeIdMap.EXT_PAYPAL?exists>
                <td width="5%" nowrap><input type="radio"
name="paymentMethodType" value="EXT_PAYPAL" <#if
paymentMethodType?exists && paymentMethodType ==
                <td width="95%" nowrap><div class="tabletext">Pay with

When I submit the payment selection, the payment selection form
reappears mangled, showing the some of the information you'd expect
when selecting a credit card.  I suspect

Here are few confirmations:

*  I've tried with a base install of opentaps rev 424208 with the
default database.
*  I've reviewed the http://ofbiz-new.blogspot.com/ blogs since this
release and didn't see a single mention of a PayPal change.
*  I confirmed the paypal payment settings
(applications/accounting/config/payment.properties) are set
*  PayPal is defined in the product_store_payment_setting table
(confirmed with the <#if
productStorePaymentMethodTypeIdMap.EXT_PAYPAL?exists> test working).

Am I missing something obvious?  Or am I just brain dead?

