Hi All ,
I am having problem Hiding Error Messages in Read Message Page of Ecommerce .
I am using ofbiz 9.04 and all the trunks are having that error .
I am new to ofbiz and it will be very thank full to get a suggestion about it .
The Page is loading fine but this error message comes on Top .
Thanking You
Aditya Sekhar
The error Message is as follows .
Error calling event: org.ofbiz.webapp.event.EventHandlerException: Found URL parameter [communicationEventId] passed to secure (https) request-map with uri [readmessage] with an event that calls service [markCommEventRead]; this is not allowed for security reasons! The data should be encrypted by making it part of the request body (a form field) instead of the request URL. Moreover it would be kind if you could create a Jira sub-task of https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-2330 (check before if a sub-task for this error does not exist). If you are not sure how to create a Jira issue please have a look before at http://docs.ofbiz.org/x/r. Thank you in advance for your help.