I am working on an extension to Ofbiz that allows to manage a bonus currency and use it for discounts in the eCommerce module. I create a special account for each user and write the respective transactions to it. In more detail: I create a transaction that reserves the respective amount on the account when an order is submitted. When the order is invoiced I simpley change the status of the transaction to mark that the amount has been invoiced. I implemented this using the SECAs. Now I wanted to complete my implementation by also reverting an ordered/invoiced transaction in case the order is refunded. Doing this, I discovered that my SECA conditions are not restrictive enough and the services used to post transactions to the account are called again. Furthermore, it seems that the OrderBillingItems are deleted if an order is refunded?! This was a suprise since I expected that they would just undergo a status change. My question now is: What should my SECA conditions look like to only get triggered once when the order is initially created (SECA 1) and once when the order is invoiced (SECA 2)? And what would be the best way to revert transactions when an order is refunded?
Furthermore I would appreciate any remark on my approach. Here are the SECAs I currently use (copied from other parts of Ofbiz):
<eca service="changeOrderStatus" event="commit" run-on-error="false"> <condition field-name="statusId" operator="equals" value="ORDER_APPROVED"/> <condition field-name="orderTypeId" operator="equals" value="SALES_ORDER"/> <condition-field field-name="statusId" operator="not-equals" to-field-name="oldStatusId"/> <action service="postOrderToMilesAccount" mode="sync"/> </eca>
<eca service="setInvoiceStatus" event="commit"> <condition field-name="invoiceId" operator="is-not-empty"/> <condition field-name="statusId" operator="equals" value="INVOICE_READY"/> <condition field-name="oldStatusId" operator="not-equals" value="INVOICE_READY"/>
<condition field-name="oldStatusId" operator="not-equals" value="INVOICE_PAID"/> <action service="postInvoiceToMilesAccount" mode="sync" run-as-user="system"/> </eca>