I'm trying to do some field validation on a form-multi. I'm using the "add-error" and "fail-message" tags to create the error messages. I'm using the "check-errors" tag to get it to display. I'm using the "return" tag with a response-code of "success" for empty forms.
However, instead of an error message for a single iteration of the form, I get the same error message for all iterations, as well as this:
Service invocation error on row (1): org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.GenericTransactionException: The current transaction is marked for rollback, not beginning a new transaction and aborting current operation; the rollbackOnly was caused by: Error in simple-method [Update Exchange Cost for Multi Row [file:/C:/Ofbiz_B52/B52roadmap/script/com/gointegral/roadmap/RoadmapSimpleMethods.xml#updateExchCost2]]: ;
appended to each line preceding the actual message I want to display.
How can I get this to function properly? Is there a good example out there I can see?