How to Create Product Properties or Details

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How to Create Product Properties or Details


Is there a way to create properties or details section without putting the information in HTML in product description. I am refering to information which can be seem at

for many store the product properties are very important, specially in a jewelry store that i am planning to do. you may see how the properties are arrenged in above link under product details. i dont think that putting this info in HTML in poduct descrition will be a good idea. Reasons are many, formatting may be difficult to manage and much data will be duplicated.

Any suggestions how one can go about it.

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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

Jacopo Cappellato
Hi rohit,

the information should be stored in the Product entity (or related
entities): for example width, height etc...

You should customize the ecommerce product detail screen to pull them
from these entities and display on screen.

Does it make sense?


rohit2006 wrote:

> hi,
> Is there a way to create properties or details section without putting the
> information in HTML in product description. I am refering to information
> which can be seem at
> for many store the product properties are very important, specially in a
> jewelry store that i am planning to do. you may see how the properties are
> arrenged in above link under product details. i dont think that putting this
> info in HTML in poduct descrition will be a good idea. Reasons are many,
> formatting may be difficult to manage and much data will be duplicated.
> Any suggestions how one can go about it.
> rohit
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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

hi Jacopo,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

i am sorry i am not sure if i got you correctly. i am still trying to find my way in ofbiz :-).

if you mean the screen where we create new products, then i would like to add that this page only allows for adding a selected number of properteis like height, width etc. But i my case i.e. a jewelry and houseware store, the product properties are of many a kind. For e.g. clasp setting type, metal, diamond color, clarity etc. etc..

can you please clarify what you mean by product entity. Also i find a attribute button on the product screen. i attempted to add a few but these are not shown on the ecommerce product screen.

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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

Jacopo Cappellato

you have many options available, for example:

1) features: if you associate (as "Distinguishing") features to your
product then the features should appear in the product detail page (you
can define as many features you want such as COLOR=red, blue...

2) attributes: these are key-value pairs; they are not shown in the
details page but it is very easy to customize the page to include them

3) content: you can add content (e.g. an html snippet) to your product
that can be included pretty easily in the detail page

Hope this helps,


rohit2006 wrote:

> hi Jacopo,
> Thanks for the prompt reply.
> i am sorry i am not sure if i got you correctly. i am still trying to find
> my way in ofbiz :-).
> if you mean the screen where we create new products, then i would like to
> add that this page only allows for adding a selected number of properteis
> like height, width etc. But i my case i.e. a jewelry and houseware store,
> the product properties are of many a kind. For e.g. clasp setting type,
> metal, diamond color, clarity etc. etc..
> can you please clarify what you mean by product entity. Also i find a
> attribute button on the product screen. i attempted to add a few but these
> are not shown on the ecommerce product screen.
> Rohit
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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details


can you please give an example of how to include product attribute in the product details page.

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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

Jacopo Cappellato
Retrieve the attribute (from the ProductAttribute entity) in the bsh
script and put it into the context; then you can use it in the ftl
template using the ${} syntax.


rohit2006 wrote:
> Jacopo,
> can you please give an example of how to include product attribute in the
> product details page.
> rohit

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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

Thanks Jacopo for the prompt reply,

I am still new to the workings of ofbiz, can you please be little more descriptive. Like how to 'Retrieve the attribute (from the ProductAttribute entity) in the bsh script'.

i thought i could use the scripts, that are used in the catalog section to insert and update attributes for the product. I was unable to properly locate where the scipts lied and how exactly they were invoked.

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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

There is also a typo error in the ProductScreen.xml, which reads ProductProductAttributes, instead of Product Attributes.

Hope somebody corrects it.

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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

That's not a typo so much as it is a missing entry in

If you'll notice the field "labelTitleProperty" only
gets used in the decorator screen
CommonProductDecorator located in
CatalogCommonScreens.xml where it is called in the
context of:  ${uiLabelMap.${labelTitleProperty}}

--- rohit2006 <[hidden email]> wrote:

> There is also a typo error in the ProductScreen.xml,
> which reads
> ProductProductAttributes, instead of Product
> Attributes.
> Hope somebody corrects it.
> rohit
> --
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> Sent from the OFBiz - User forum at

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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

In reply to this post by Jacopo Cappellato
hi jacopo,

i was able to get this done. i feel pretty proud of this, this is my first step towards learning ofbiz.

i made the following additions:

1)  In order/webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/catalog/productdetail.bsh

    // get the product attribute(s)
    attribute = product.getRelated("ProductAttribute");
    context.put("ProductAttribute", attribute);

2) In component://order/webapp/ordermgr/entry/catalog/marketplace_productdetail.ftl

   <#-- attributes of product -->
<#if ProductAttribute?has_content>

              <#list ProductAttribute as ProductAttributes>
                        <div class="tabletext">               
        ${ProductAttributes.attrName}: ${ProductAttributes.attrValue}</div>
<#-- attributes of product END -->

I will appreciate if you just let me know if this is the right method to edit files in future, or there is another better way.


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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

Jacques Le Roux
Hi Rohit,

It seems rather good but what do you exactly mean (want t to know ?) when you say "the right method to edit files in future" ?


> hi jacopo,
> i was able to get this done. i feel pretty proud of this, this is my first
> step towards learning ofbiz.
> i made the following additions:
> 1)  In order/webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/catalog/productdetail.bsh
>     // get the product attribute(s)
>     attribute = product.getRelated("ProductAttribute");
>     context.put("ProductAttribute", attribute);
> 2) In
> component://order/webapp/ordermgr/entry/catalog/marketplace_productdetail.ftl
>    <#-- attributes of product -->
> <#if ProductAttribute?has_content>
>               <#list ProductAttribute as ProductAttributes>
> <div class="tabletext">                
> ${ProductAttributes.attrName}: ${ProductAttributes.attrValue}</div>
>               </#list>
>       </#if>
> <#-- attributes of product END -->
> I will appreciate if you just let me know if this is the right method to
> edit files in future, or there is another better way.
> Thanks
> rohti
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - User forum at
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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

i guess the features in ofbiz are quite interlinked and code is reused in multiple applications. So just wanted to be sure, if thers are another file where such code was supposed to be or it was fine to put it in these fines.
If the code is fine, can you commit it, such that one does not wonder why attributes dont show up in product pages.

----- Original Message ----
From: Jacques Le Roux <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:46:37 AM
Subject: Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

Hi Rohit,

It seems rather good but what do you exactly mean (want t to know ?) when you say "the right method to edit files in future" ?


> hi jacopo,
> i was able to get this done. i feel pretty proud of this, this is my first
> step towards learning ofbiz.
> i made the following additions:
> 1)  In order/webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/catalog/productdetail.bsh
>     // get the product attribute(s)
>     attribute = product.getRelated("ProductAttribute");
>     context.put("ProductAttribute", attribute);
> 2) In
> component://order/webapp/ordermgr/entry/catalog/marketplace_productdetail.ftl
>    <#-- attributes of product -->
> <#if ProductAttribute?has_content>
>               <#list ProductAttribute as ProductAttributes>
> <div class="tabletext">                
> ${ProductAttributes.attrName}: ${ProductAttributes.attrValue}</div>
>               </#list>
>       </#if>
> <#-- attributes of product END -->
> I will appreciate if you just let me know if this is the right method to
> edit files in future, or there is another better way.
> Thanks
> rohti
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - User forum at
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Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details

Jacques Le Roux
OK, I understand what you were meaning now.

I was thinking that you were asking about the rightness of your own code. Now I understand that you propose to commit this snippet.

I have no right to commit in this component (order) so I will wait for an official commiter to do it.

Furthermore this is not a right way to contribute to the project, please read here :

Thanks for your work


> i guess the features in ofbiz are quite interlinked and code is reused in multiple applications. So just wanted to be sure, if
thers are another file where such code was supposed to be or it was fine to put it in these fines.

> If the code is fine, can you commit it, such that one does not wonder why attributes dont show up in product pages.
> Rohit
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Jacques Le Roux <[hidden email]>
> To: [hidden email]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:46:37 AM
> Subject: Re: Users - How to Create Product Properties or Details
> Hi Rohit,
> It seems rather good but what do you exactly mean (want t to know ?) when you say "the right method to edit files in future" ?
> Jacques
> >
> > hi jacopo,
> >
> > i was able to get this done. i feel pretty proud of this, this is my first
> > step towards learning ofbiz.
> >
> > i made the following additions:
> >
> >
> > 1)  In order/webapp/ordermgr/WEB-INF/actions/entry/catalog/productdetail.bsh
> >
> >     // get the product attribute(s)
> >     attribute = product.getRelated("ProductAttribute");
> >     context.put("ProductAttribute", attribute);
> >
> > 2) In
> > component://order/webapp/ordermgr/entry/catalog/marketplace_productdetail.ftl
> >
> >    <#-- attributes of product -->
> >
> > <#if ProductAttribute?has_content>
> >
> >               <#list ProductAttribute as ProductAttributes>
> > <div class="tabletext">
> > ${ProductAttributes.attrName}: ${ProductAttributes.attrValue}</div>
> >               </#list>
> >       </#if>
> > <#-- attributes of product END -->
> >
> > I will appreciate if you just let me know if this is the right method to
> > edit files in future, or there is another better way.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > rohti
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> > Sent from the OFBiz - User forum at