Hello guys,
At the beginning I would ask you some help to implement the groovy test
[1] in testtools but finally I found how do that.
But I'm sure this first patch [2] can be improve, so if this subject
alert you mind, don't hesitate to review and critic it :)
The second step on this subject would be use the OFBiz DSL language in
the groovy test but I didn't look it and if you have any idea, I'm happy
to improve the patch before commit
logoNrd <
Nicolas Malin
The apache way <
http://theapacheway.com/> : *Charity* Apache’s mission
is providing software for the public good.
[hidden email]
8 rue des Déportés 37000 TOURS, 02 47 50 30 54
Apache OFBiz <
http://ofbiz.apache.org/>|The Apache Way
http://theapacheway.com/>|réseau LE <