Import data?

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Import data?

Hi all!

I have existing data in Quickbooks, that I wish to extract and use for OFBiz. I know this is going to take some time and a couple of steps, but I'd like to eventually be able to import it in OFBiz without having to mess around with files and ant commands.

Any tips, hints, pointers, links, or anything else you can come up with would be vastly appreciated.

In time, I'd like to build a solid import module, but for now I'll just settle with extracting stuff from Quickbooks and injecting it back in OFBiz.


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Re: Import data?

BJ Freeman
there are examples of imports
and different ways.
there is one that uses comma delimited files through PIO
then there is the datafile import.
you can then schedule the  service to check a folder then import what it
finds and either move the file or change the extensions to something
like DONE.

BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <> <>

Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

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Olivier Tremblay sent the following on 5/19/2010 5:38 AM:

> Hi all!
> I have existing data in Quickbooks, that I wish to extract and use for OFBiz. I know this is going to take some time and a couple of steps, but I'd like to eventually be able to import it in OFBiz without having to mess around with files and ant commands.
> Any tips, hints, pointers, links, or anything else you can come up with would be vastly appreciated.
> In time, I'd like to build a solid import module, but for now I'll just settle with extracting stuff from Quickbooks and injecting it back in OFBiz.
> Thanks!
> Olivier