Improving the OFBiz User Interface with JPA

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Improving the OFBiz User Interface with JPA

Hi all,

as I announced recently with the email "OFBiz Delegator that uses JPA",
I am working now on a drop in replacement that uses JPA as entity model.
While the work on the replacement is still in progress, a JAR with the
JPA entities has reached a beta state. It can be downloaded from here
(about 6MB, source code included):

Because JPA (and J2EE) does not only offer a standard replacement for
the database layer but can also improve and accelerate the development
of the presentation layer, I like to suggest to consider using (de
facto) standard libraries like PrimeFaces
( for improving the UI.

For those of you who are not aware about the power of JPA in an IDE,
here is a little tutorial:

Install NetBeans with J2EE-Support

1. Download NetBeans J2EE Bundle:
2. Install NetBeans and Glassfish:

Setup Glassfish

1. Start NetBeans
2. Klick on the "Services" tab, right click on "Servers" -> add
3. Select "GlassFish Server" and enter a name
4. Set the installation location and choose "Local Domain"
5. Choose a domain location and ports (watch out for conflicts with
OFBiz ports!)

Create a database connection, connection pool and JDBC resource

IMPORTANT: My JPA library expects a JDBC resource with the JNDI name
"jdbc/ofbiz" (specified in "/META-INF/persistence.xml")!


Create a Web-Application

1. File -> New Project
2. Choose the following Project:
        Categories: Java Web
        Projects: Web Application
3. Enter the Project Name, e.g. "OFBiz-UI"
4. Choose the Server Settings:
        Server: Choose the installed one
        Java EE Version: Has to be "Java EE 7 Web"
        Context-Path: The absolute path of the OFBiz-UI URL
5. Select the framework:
        a) Choose JavaServer Faces
        b) Click on "Components" tab and select "PrimeFaces"

Create a UI for an entity

1. Download the JAR with the JPA entities:
2. Add the JAR to the libraries of the Web-Application
3. Right click on the Web-Application -> New -> Other:
        Categories: Persistence
        File Types: JSF Pages from Entity Classes
4. Choose only one entity Class, e.g.
"", click "Add >" and disable "Include
Referenced Classes"
5. Choose packages, folders and templates:
        Session Bean Package:
        JSF Classes Package:
        JSF Pages Folder: /
        Localization Bundle Name: /org/apache/ofbiz/party/PartyBundle
        Choose Template: PrimeFaces
6. Choose Provider and Database (as specified in
        Persistence Unit Name: org.apache.ofbiz
        Data Source: jdbc/ofbiz
7. Right click on the Web-Application -> Run


- Use Payara instead of Glassfish because it is much more reliable

- Use PrimeFaces 6.0 community release

- Use PrimeFaces community theme


Markus Küspert
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Re: Improving the OFBiz User Interface with JPA

James Yong-2
Hi Markus,

I have checked out the contents of the jar file and the entity beans look comprehensive.

If you are still working on this, can you provide a minimum patch to OFBiz trunk version so that we can test them out in stages.

Personally, I am in favor of adopting JPA and agree it will be good for OFBiz.

James Yong

On 2016-12-15 02:52 (+0800), [hidden email] wrote:

> Hi all,
> as I announced recently with the email "OFBiz Delegator that uses JPA",
> I am working now on a drop in replacement that uses JPA as entity model.
> While the work on the replacement is still in progress, a JAR with the
> JPA entities has reached a beta state. It can be downloaded from here
> (about 6MB, source code included):
> Because JPA (and J2EE) does not only offer a standard replacement for
> the database layer but can also improve and accelerate the development
> of the presentation layer, I like to suggest to consider using (de
> facto) standard libraries like PrimeFaces
> ( for improving the UI.
> For those of you who are not aware about the power of JPA in an IDE,
> here is a little tutorial:
> Install NetBeans with J2EE-Support
> ==================================
> 1. Download NetBeans J2EE Bundle:
> 2. Install NetBeans and Glassfish:
> Setup Glassfish
> ===============
> 1. Start NetBeans
> 2. Klick on the "Services" tab, right click on "Servers" -> add
> 3. Select "GlassFish Server" and enter a name
> 4. Set the installation location and choose "Local Domain"
> 5. Choose a domain location and ports (watch out for conflicts with
> OFBiz ports!)
> Create a database connection, connection pool and JDBC resource
> ===============================================================
> IMPORTANT: My JPA library expects a JDBC resource with the JNDI name
> "jdbc/ofbiz" (specified in "/META-INF/persistence.xml")!
> ->
> Create a Web-Application
> ========================
> 1. File -> New Project
> 2. Choose the following Project:
> Categories: Java Web
> Projects: Web Application
> 3. Enter the Project Name, e.g. "OFBiz-UI"
> 4. Choose the Server Settings:
> Server: Choose the installed one
> Java EE Version: Has to be "Java EE 7 Web"
> Context-Path: The absolute path of the OFBiz-UI URL
> 5. Select the framework:
> a) Choose JavaServer Faces
> b) Click on "Components" tab and select "PrimeFaces"
> Create a UI for an entity
> =========================
> 1. Download the JAR with the JPA entities:
> 2. Add the JAR to the libraries of the Web-Application
> 3. Right click on the Web-Application -> New -> Other:
> Categories: Persistence
> File Types: JSF Pages from Entity Classes
> 4. Choose only one entity Class, e.g.
> "", click "Add >" and disable "Include
> Referenced Classes"
> 5. Choose packages, folders and templates:
> Session Bean Package:
> JSF Classes Package:
> JSF Pages Folder: /
> Localization Bundle Name: /org/apache/ofbiz/party/PartyBundle
> Choose Template: PrimeFaces
> 6. Choose Provider and Database (as specified in
> "/META-INF/persistence.xml"):
> Persistence Unit Name: org.apache.ofbiz
> Data Source: jdbc/ofbiz
> 7. Right click on the Web-Application -> Run
> Improvements:
> =============
> - Use Payara instead of Glassfish because it is much more reliable
>    ->
> - Use PrimeFaces 6.0 community release
>    ->
> - Use PrimeFaces community theme
>    ->
> Greetings
> Markus K�spert
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Re: Improving the OFBiz User Interface with JPA

Victor Hernadez
In reply to this post by ofbiz-3

I'm working with 2 peers on a new project based on OFBiz to create a custom app capable to interact with OFBiz db using Spring Framework + Angular 2. We just started from scratch building our own ORM (Hibernate based) implementation for OFBiz but now I found you already did a really great work hence now I wonder if your are maintaining an updated repository which we could use, test and help to you improving it instead of continue our own implementation.
