Hello everybody,
while working on Issue OFBIZ-6510
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-6510>, converting the
ModelInduceFromDb functionality from JSP to widgets, we found that the
references are not represented in the induced XMLs. This led directly to
Issue OFBIZ-12178 <
which I am currently working on.
Problem is, that the ModelEntity initialized through the "DB Names
Constructor" does not cover references in its current state at all.
While working on an implementation I realized, that the API is not very
congruent in this regards. I would expect that I could initialize
ModelRelations the same way ModelFields are initialized in this context:
The create() Method takes a ModelEntity, DatabaseUtil.ColumnCheckInfo
(respectively a DatabaseUtil.ReferenceCheckInfo) and a
ModelFieldTypeReader (that could be left out for references) and creates
ModelField (ModelRelation) objects that are added to the ModelEntity.
But that is not the case at the moment. On one hand not all fields that
would be necessary are covered in the DatabaseUtil.ReferenceCheckInfo
Objects (e.g. "type" is missing), on the other the object is missing
public getters to make the values available in the first place.
Is there some knowledge, why this had been done like this? Shall I
implement a more congruent structure that will lead to a complete
initialisation of ModelRelation objects in this context? Or was that
design on purpose and there was a sound reason to leave this out?
Kind regards,