show the DemoSupplier. this is suppose to be the latest svn.
1)possibly you don't have a complete SVN and need to update you copy
2) you have done some work on the data and it id not get loaded properly.
you can find the data file in the eccommerce data folder and import it
via the webtools to see if has problems. yong sent the following on 4/17/2008 9:22 PM:
> Hi,
> I was running ant run-install, and got the following error. The version of
> ofbiz used is trunk. Maybe this is due to the seed data problem?
> insert or update on table "supplier_product" violates foreign key constraint
> "suppl_prod_party"
> [java] Detail: Key (party_id)=(DemoSupplier) is not present in table
> "party".)).
> Regards,
> James