Integrated Windows Authentication in OFBiz

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Integrated Windows Authentication in OFBiz

Kaushik Chakraborty-2

The application which is a CMS on OFBiz uses CAS for authentication on
user's provision of username and password. The customer requires Integrated
Windows Authentication for some internal users who login to their Windows
system with the same username and password which they use to access the CMS

My approach is to get the windows credentials for those users and
authenticate them from CAS, get the ticket and then pass the same to the
application. Once the ticket is available in request, the application has
functionality to use that ticket for further authorization.

Please provide any pointers, documentation or suggestion in this regard.

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Re: Integrated Windows Authentication in OFBiz

Shi Jinghai
It's feasible.

You can write a new class to authen a user first to Windows, and if
failed, then to OFBiz.

What protocal to authen a user to Windows? CAS supports SPENEGO

Good luck,

Shi Jinghai/Beijing Langhua Ltd.

在 2010-01-11一的 14:58 +0530,Kaushik Chakraborty写道:

> Hi,
> The application which is a CMS on OFBiz uses CAS for authentication on
> user's provision of username and password. The customer requires Integrated
> Windows Authentication for some internal users who login to their Windows
> system with the same username and password which they use to access the CMS
> application.
> My approach is to get the windows credentials for those users and
> authenticate them from CAS, get the ticket and then pass the same to the
> application. Once the ticket is available in request, the application has
> functionality to use that ticket for further authorization.
> Please provide any pointers, documentation or suggestion in this regard.
> Regards,
> Kaushik