Inventory Transfers

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Inventory Transfers

Joe Eckard
When an inventory transfer is initiated for only a portion of an  
inventory item, that inventory item is split - a new inventory item  
is created for the quantity to be transferred, and appropriate  
inventory item detail records are created (a negative adjustment for  
the existing item, and a positive adjustment for the new item).  
However, these detail records do not reference the inventory  
transfer, so I don't see a clear way to determine why these  
adjustments were made going forward - is this just an oversight, or  
is there something I'm missing? (The new inventory item IS referenced  
by the transfer, but not the details)

Also related to inventory transfers... would it make sense to use  
inventory transfers to move products from one facility location to  
another, creating new inventory items in the process? (For example:  
to move seasonally popular products from the outer area of the  
warehouse to the inner area for faster picking, and also possibly for  
required / suggested stock movements?) I'm curious because right now  
I think you can only move ATP quantities - it might be nice to move  
everything, updating any reservations against those quantities to  
reference the new inventory item.

Right now you can update the locationSeqId on the inventory item, but  
if you do that, the detail history for that item is now associated  
with a new location, and you lose some reporting data. (for example:  
I might want to know how often a product is lost or damaged in  
specific areas of the warehouse)


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Re: Inventory Transfers

David E Jones

On Feb 3, 2007, at 12:01 PM, Joe Eckard wrote:

> When an inventory transfer is initiated for only a portion of an  
> inventory item, that inventory item is split - a new inventory item  
> is created for the quantity to be transferred, and appropriate  
> inventory item detail records are created (a negative adjustment  
> for the existing item, and a positive adjustment for the new item).  
> However, these detail records do not reference the inventory  
> transfer, so I don't see a clear way to determine why these  
> adjustments were made going forward - is this just an oversight, or  
> is there something I'm missing? (The new inventory item IS  
> referenced by the transfer, but not the details)
That makes very good sense. Chances are it just hasn't been  
implemented yet.

> Also related to inventory transfers... would it make sense to use  
> inventory transfers to move products from one facility location to  
> another, creating new inventory items in the process? (For example:  
> to move seasonally popular products from the outer area of the  
> warehouse to the inner area for faster picking, and also possibly  
> for required / suggested stock movements?) I'm curious because  
> right now I think you can only move ATP quantities - it might be  
> nice to move everything, updating any reservations against those  
> quantities to reference the new inventory item.
> Right now you can update the locationSeqId on the inventory item,  
> but if you do that, the detail history for that item is now  
> associated with a new location, and you lose some reporting data.  
> (for example: I might want to know how often a product is lost or  
> damaged in specific areas of the warehouse)
Yes, that's an interesting point. It would be good to change the code  
to create new inventory items so that there is a history with this as  
with other things. I guess that could be done with or without an  
inventory transfer (ie an intra-facility transfer).


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