Invoices - Refund a client (storno) invoice

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Invoices - Refund a client (storno) invoice

Andrei Stan
Hello guys,

I am importing my invoices in ofbiz, and i have an issue in figuring out
how to deal with refunding a client.

Here is the situation:

- the Client payed for the CompanyX's services (IT services) the amount
of 25 EUR;

- after a while, CompanyX creates an storno invoice and gives back 5 EUR
to Client as a promotional disccount;

- if i set the amount="-5" for the storno invoice, it is not ok for
accounting part:

     - for example in the "Find invoices" page the "Total = - EUR 5" and
"Outstanding Amount = - EUR 5";

Sample data:

description="Storno - Software installation"/>

Is there a way to resolve this?

Thank you.