Is a third type of orders needed?

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Is a third type of orders needed?

Iyad Khaddam

Facility managers manage goods quantities in two ways (I will do the mapping
with OFBIZ inline):
1- receiving goods: increase the quantities of these goods. In OFBIZ, we do
this using purchase orders that result in shipments to the facility.
2- issuing goods: decrease the quantities of these goods. Goods issuance can
be done for external parties (through Sales Orders) or for internal usage
(through MRP or Fixed assets).

Let's take an example on Internal goods issuance:
An employee needs pens and papers in his daily work. his manager sends a
request to the facility manager who will issue these goods to him and
decreases the quantities of these goods in the inventory. On the accounting
side, costs of these goods are added to the cost center the employee works
in (Each Internal Organizations has a cost center).

Papers and pens are not considered as fixed assets nor part of an MRP
process (at least in my case).

My question is:
How does OFBIZ support the example above? I see it a lot similar to sales
orders, but it is not!. Is it a appropriate to create a third type of
orders to handle my example?.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Is a third type of orders needed?

BJ Freeman

if you go up a level to partyrelationship that memic the cost centers
you can use the purchase/sales order model the way it is.
office supplies are expendable by the IRS and is a accounting function
there are many ways to implement use of Goods.
for instance you may want to take a good and make it an Asset.
these are Accounting functions.
so the PO/SO would be aware of the way the sale is done by
partyrelationship, and possibly a Category that has been assiged to the
another approach is to use standard PO for buying inventory then modify
the inventroy tranfer to show the inventory is being transfered as an
expendable item (accounting). you can get finite with facilities or use

that should give you some ideas.

Iyad Khaddam sent the following on 7/10/2011 4:27 AM:

> Hi,
> Facility managers manage goods quantities in two ways (I will do the mapping
> with OFBIZ inline):
> 1- receiving goods: increase the quantities of these goods. In OFBIZ, we do
> this using purchase orders that result in shipments to the facility.
> 2- issuing goods: decrease the quantities of these goods. Goods issuance can
> be done for external parties (through Sales Orders) or for internal usage
> (through MRP or Fixed assets).
> Let's take an example on Internal goods issuance:
> An employee needs pens and papers in his daily work. his manager sends a
> request to the facility manager who will issue these goods to him and
> decreases the quantities of these goods in the inventory. On the accounting
> side, costs of these goods are added to the cost center the employee works
> in (Each Internal Organizations has a cost center).
> Papers and pens are not considered as fixed assets nor part of an MRP
> process (at least in my case).
> My question is:
> How does OFBIZ support the example above? I see it a lot similar to sales
> orders, but it is not!. Is it a appropriate to create a third type of
> orders to handle my example?.
> Thanks in advance.