Is multitenant configuration related to supporting multiple independant companies in the same installation of OFBiz?

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Is multitenant configuration related to supporting multiple independant companies in the same installation of OFBiz?

Ted Byers
I guess the subject line forms a short summary of the question.

I have been studying OFBiz for a while, getting comfortable with the
basics, but this multitenant material, seems, on the face of it, a bit more

If the multitenant is able to support multiple independant companies, can
someone translate key bits of the multitenant documentation into what needs
to be done for the following, simplified situation?

There is a small community of contractors, each maintaining their own
(small) inventory of key supplies.  There are plumbers, carpenters,
roofers, electricians, &c.  They all buy some supplies from a common vendor
(e.g. Home Depot, Home Hardware, &c.), but each also buys from specialty
vendors that carry only supplies unique to their speciality.

If one does not need the multitenant configuration to support this, how
would one proceed to support it without it?  Obviously, no business in the
system ought to see any other business' data, but they ought to be able to
see that the others exist, so if they get a contract requiring other
contractors, they know who they can call (I am tempted to add support for
contractor reputation, to aid contractors in deciding what other
contractors to call in for help, but I suspect I'll have to build that


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Re: Is multitenant configuration related to supporting multiple independant companies in the same installation of OFBiz?

Anil Patel-3
You can use Ofbiz in Multi tenant setup for first part of requirement where, each contractor is a tenant. Tenants will not be able to see each other. Each Tenant will have full Ofbiz ERP available to them.

The second part of your requirement where, contractors find other contractors on system and possibly message them etc. To deliver this requirement,  Host company will be the enabler. Host company will build B2B system. As per requirements, limited data will be shared between contractors and suppliers.

Depending on budget and expectations, You may develop some or all end user tools (UX) from ground up.

Thanks and Regards
Anil Patel
Hotwax Media Inc
ApacheCon US 2013 Gold Sponsor

On Dec 31, 2013, at 12:37 PM, Ted Byers <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I guess the subject line forms a short summary of the question.
> I have been studying OFBiz for a while, getting comfortable with the
> basics, but this multitenant material, seems, on the face of it, a bit more
> advanced....complicated....
> If the multitenant is able to support multiple independant companies, can
> someone translate key bits of the multitenant documentation into what needs
> to be done for the following, simplified situation?
> There is a small community of contractors, each maintaining their own
> (small) inventory of key supplies.  There are plumbers, carpenters,
> roofers, electricians, &c.  They all buy some supplies from a common vendor
> (e.g. Home Depot, Home Hardware, &c.), but each also buys from specialty
> vendors that carry only supplies unique to their speciality.
> If one does not need the multitenant configuration to support this, how
> would one proceed to support it without it?  Obviously, no business in the
> system ought to see any other business' data, but they ought to be able to
> see that the others exist, so if they get a contract requiring other
> contractors, they know who they can call (I am tempted to add support for
> contractor reputation, to aid contractors in deciding what other
> contractors to call in for help, but I suspect I'll have to build that
> myself).
> Thanks
> Ted