List Requests and Quotes Screens

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List Requests and Quotes Screens

Christian Geisert

is there a reason why the Find/List-Screens for Requests and Quotes
don't show any results if there is no selection (no parameters entered)?

If there isn't a reason I'm happy to submit a patch (simply adding
<field name="noConditionFind"><hidden value="Y"/></field> to the
corresponding forms).


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Re: List Requests and Quotes Screens

David E Jones-2
Probably because they are a bit older... I don't know that there is a functional reason for this difference.

So, yeah, sending a patch would be great.


Christian Geisert wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a reason why the Find/List-Screens for Requests and Quotes
> don't show any results if there is no selection (no parameters entered)?
> If there isn't a reason I'm happy to submit a patch (simply adding
> <field name="noConditionFind"><hidden value="Y"/></field> to the
> corresponding forms).

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