Load of User

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Load of User

Dear ALL,

I m somehow new to ofBiz, I have having following problem

Created web based application in ofBiz and deployed the same. Application is running fine until few load of user (around 50 or more) started using the application. The application slow down and no one can use the same thereafter.

I have done another solutions for the same, I have deployed one more instances of the application and pointed to the same database, then my application can take the load of 80 user concurrently. But i need to understand what is the maximum user ofbiz can take concurrenlty. if ofbiz can take more than 1000 user what setting i need to do or what kind of deployment i need to take care.

Please guide me how do i start to make it live with good amount of user concurrently can access the application.

following is the environment which i m using.

1. 9.0.10 PostGres DB on the different server (i m sure the post is running perfectly,as i have increaed the no of connection too)
2. Suse Linux OS
3. JAVA 1.6.x
4. JRE
5. OfBiz 9.0.x
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Re: Load of User

Have you done clustering and load balancing of the instances. If you have, then can you please share the steps in detail to do it. also please share your hardware uses details and CPU utilization etc. Did you use any performance testing tool to evaluate the load on your webapp? Please share the information.
