Please create a Jira Issue instead
De : "Rodrigo Souza" <
[hidden email]>
> Hi Community!
> I made an alteration to correct a BUG in the verification of the size
> of the name of relations.
> It is approved?
> The source:
> Class : org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntityChecker
> Method : checkEntities
> Line 209
> // make sure all FK names are <= 18 characters but now read in XML Config
> DatasourceInfo di =
> EntityConfigUtil.getDatasourceInfo(delegator.getEntityHelperName(relation.getRelEntityName()));
> if ( relation.getFkName().length() > di.constraintNameClipLength ) {
> warningList.add("[RelFKNameGT] The foregn key name (length:" +
> relation.getFkName().length()
> + ") was greater than " + di.constraintNameClipLength
> + " characters in length for relation " + relation.getTitle()
> + relation.getRelEntityName()
> + " of entity " + entity.getEntityName() + ".");
> }