Not sure there are any OFBiz docs on this but if you dig around the
buttonevents.xml, and in the pos
module you'll see reference to an attribute of type "key-code" (for
buttonevents.xml) and you'll find it's linked into the jpos results of
getPOSKeyData which seems to return a potential hex value.
Never used a matrix keyboard myself but from that quick look it seems
the underlying support is in the POS module.
BJ Freeman wrote:
> the matrix keyboard sends a hexadecimal code.
> usually there is a driver that converts that code to a mouse position,
> or sequences of keyboard strokes.
> Not sure that will be a easy case since not all the Products show on the
> screen at once.
> you may have to program key sequences to do lookups from the key pad
> lincolnkendal sent the following on 10/29/2007 7:58 AM:
>> Our convenience stores need to use matrix keyboards. My understanding is
>> that I need code to translate keycodes to product ID's. Is there
>> documentation on how to use a matrix keyboard for product ID's in OFBiz?