The list bet bigger and bigger
[java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali as: statusDelay of view-entity ExampleStatusDetail [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType because one already exists with the alias name [description ] and field name [EFAAT(ExampleFeatureApplAndType).description], existing field name is [EXFT.description] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity ExampleFeatureAndApplFullView because one already exists with the alias name [descriptio n] and field name [EFAAAT(ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType).description], existing field name is [EX.description] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,468 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already exists with the alias n ame [description] and field name [EXFT(ExampleFeature).description], existing field name is [EFAATD.description] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,468 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already exists with the alias n ame [description] and field name [EX(Example).description], existing field name is [EFAATD.description] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [pa rtyTypeId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], existing field name is [PTYREL.partyTypeId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [de scription] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], existing field name is [PTYREL.description] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [st atusId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], existing field name is [PTYREL.statusId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [fr omDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).fromDate], existing field name is [PTYREL.fromDate] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [th ruDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).thruDate], existing field name is [PTYREL.thruDate] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [co mments] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).comments], existing field name is [PTYREL.comments] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [partyTypeI d] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], existing field name is [PTYRL.partyTypeId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [externalId ] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).externalId], existing field name is [PTYRL.externalId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [preferredC urrencyUomId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).preferredCurrencyUomId], existing field name is [PTYRL.preferredCurrencyUomId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [descriptio n] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], existing field name is [PTYRL.description] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [statusId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], existing field name is [PTYRL.statusId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [createdDat e] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdDate], existing field name is [PTYRL.createdDate] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [createdByU serLogin] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdByUserLogin], existing field name is [PTYRL.createdByUserLogin] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [lastModifi edDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedDate], existing field name is [PTYRL.lastModifiedDate] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [lastModifi edByUserLogin] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedByUserLogin], existing field name is [PTYRL.lastModifiedByUserLogin] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [dataSource Id] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).dataSourceId], existing field name is [PTYRL.dataSourceId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [isUnread] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).isUnread], existing field name is [PTYRL.isUnread] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [roleTypeId ] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).roleTypeId], existing field name is [PTYRL.roleTypeId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,546 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity InvoiceItemAndAssocProduct because one already exists with the alias name [amount] and f ield name [IIA(InvoiceItemAssoc).amount], existing field name is [INTM.amount] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali as: totQuantityAvailable of view-entity OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ ] Throwing out field alias in view entity OrderHeaderAndWorkEffort because one already exists with the alias name [priority] and f ield name [OH(OrderHeader).priority], existing field name is [WE.priority] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant rel ationship to entity [Content] title [Decorator]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [contentId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant rel ationship to entity [Content] title [Owner]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [contentId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant rel ationship to entity [Content] title [InstanceOf]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [contentId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ExampleFeatureAp plType] ant relationship to entity [ExampleFeatureApplType] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [exampleFeatureApplTypeId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ExampleType] ant relationship to entity [ExampleType] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [exampleTypeId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ProductStore] an t relationship to entity [Facility] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [productStoreId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [FacilityGroup] a nt relationship to entity [FacilityGroup] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [facilityGroupId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Payment] ant rel ationship to entity [FinAccountTrans] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [paymentId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [InvoiceItem] ant relationship to entity [InvoiceItem] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [invoiceId,invoiceItemSeqId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [OrderAdjustment] ant relationship to entity [OrderAdjustment] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [orderAdjustmentId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [FinAccountTrans] ant relationship to entity [Payment] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [finAccountTransId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ProductCategory] ant relationship to entity [ProductCategory] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [productCategoryId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Facility] ant re lationship to entity [ProductStore] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [facilityId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ProductStoreGrou p] ant relationship to entity [ProductStoreGroup] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [productStoreGroupId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,671 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Document] ant re lationship to entity [ShippingDocument] title []; would auto-create: type [one-nofk] and fields [documentId] [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,671 (main) [ ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [TestingNode] ant relationship to entity [TestingNode] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [testingNodeId] Jacques |
Umm... the list is only bigger because one of your commits uncomments
a log statement that had previously been commented: > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from w..... Regards Scott HotWax Media On 25/11/2009, at 2:08 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote: > The list bet bigger and bigger > > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ > 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for > cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for > ali > as: statusDelay of view-entity ExampleStatusDetail > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType because one already exists with the > alias name [description > ] and field name [EFAAT(ExampleFeatureApplAndType).description], > existing field name is [EXFT.description] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > ExampleFeatureAndApplFullView because one already exists with the > alias name [descriptio > n] and field name > [EFAAAT(ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType).description], existing field > name is [EX.description] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,468 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already > exists with the alias n > ame [description] and field name [EXFT(ExampleFeature).description], > existing field name is [EFAATD.description] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,468 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already > exists with the alias n > ame [description] and field name [EX(Example).description], existing > field name is [EFAATD.description] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists > with the alias name [pa > rtyTypeId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], > existing field name is [PTYREL.partyTypeId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists > with the alias name [de > scription] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], > existing field name is [PTYREL.description] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists > with the alias name [st > atusId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], > existing field name is [PTYREL.statusId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists > with the alias name [fr > omDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).fromDate], > existing field name is [PTYREL.fromDate] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists > with the alias name [th > ruDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).thruDate], > existing field name is [PTYREL.thruDate] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists > with the alias name [co > mments] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).comments], > existing field name is [PTYREL.comments] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [partyTypeI > d] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], existing > field name is [PTYRL.partyTypeId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [externalId > ] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).externalId], existing > field name is [PTYRL.externalId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [preferredC > urrencyUomId] and field name > [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).preferredCurrencyUomId], existing field > name is [PTYRL.preferredCurrencyUomId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [descriptio > n] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], existing > field name is [PTYRL.description] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [statusId] > and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], existing field > name is [PTYRL.statusId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [createdDat > e] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdDate], existing > field name is [PTYRL.createdDate] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [createdByU > serLogin] and field name > [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdByUserLogin], existing field name > is [PTYRL.createdByUserLogin] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [lastModifi > edDate] and field name > [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedDate], existing field name > is [PTYRL.lastModifiedDate] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [lastModifi > edByUserLogin] and field name > [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedByUserLogin], existing field > name is [PTYRL.lastModifiedByUserLogin] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [dataSource > Id] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).dataSourceId], > existing field name is [PTYRL.dataSourceId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [isUnread] > and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).isUnread], existing field > name is [PTYRL.isUnread] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the > alias name [roleTypeId > ] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).roleTypeId], existing > field name is [PTYRL.roleTypeId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,546 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > InvoiceItemAndAssocProduct because one already exists with the alias > name [amount] and f > ield name [IIA(InvoiceItemAssoc).amount], existing field name is > [INTM.amount] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ > 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for > cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for > ali > as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ > 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for > cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for > ali > as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ > 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for > cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for > ali > as: quantityOrdered of view-entity > OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ > 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for > cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for > ali > as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ > 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for > cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for > ali > as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ > 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be implemented for > cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for > ali > as: totQuantityAvailable of view-entity > OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ > 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity > OrderHeaderAndWorkEffort because one already exists with the alias > name [priority] and f > ield name [OH(OrderHeader).priority], existing field name is > [WE.priority] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant > rel > ationship to entity [Content] title [Decorator]; would auto-create: > type [many] and fields [contentId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant > rel > ationship to entity [Content] title [Owner]; would auto-create: type > [many] and fields [contentId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant > rel > ationship to entity [Content] title [InstanceOf]; would auto-create: > type [many] and fields [contentId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity > [ExampleFeatureAp > plType] ant relationship to entity [ExampleFeatureApplType] title > []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields > [exampleFeatureApplTypeId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ExampleType] > ant > relationship to entity [ExampleType] title []; would auto-create: > type [many] and fields [exampleTypeId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity > [ProductStore] an > t relationship to entity [Facility] title []; would auto-create: > type [many] and fields [productStoreId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity > [FacilityGroup] a > nt relationship to entity [FacilityGroup] title [PrimaryParent]; > would auto-create: type [many] and fields [facilityGroupId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Payment] ant > rel > ationship to entity [FinAccountTrans] title []; would auto-create: > type [many] and fields [paymentId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [InvoiceItem] > ant > relationship to entity [InvoiceItem] title []; would auto-create: > type [many] and fields [invoiceId,invoiceItemSeqId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity > [OrderAdjustment] > ant relationship to entity [OrderAdjustment] title []; would auto- > create: type [many] and fields [orderAdjustmentId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity > [FinAccountTrans] > ant relationship to entity [Payment] title []; would auto-create: > type [many] and fields [finAccountTransId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity > [ProductCategory] > ant relationship to entity [ProductCategory] title [PrimaryParent]; > would auto-create: type [many] and fields [productCategoryId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Facility] > ant re > lationship to entity [ProductStore] title []; would auto-create: > type [many] and fields [facilityId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity > [ProductStoreGrou > p] ant relationship to entity [ProductStoreGroup] title > [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields > [productStoreGroupId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,671 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Document] > ant re > lationship to entity [ShippingDocument] title []; would auto-create: > type [one-nofk] and fields [documentId] > [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,671 (main) [ > 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but different > specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [TestingNode] > ant > relationship to entity [TestingNode] title [PrimaryParent]; would > auto-create: type [many] and fields [testingNodeId] > > Jacques > smime.p7s (4K) Download Attachment |
From: "Scott Gray" <[hidden email]>
> Umm... the list is only bigger because one of your commits uncomments a log statement that had previously been commented: >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from w..... Right, I did not spot it when rewieving, I have asked Bob Morley why he did so in I will wait his answer (for a reasonnable length of time) before commenting out again, except if there is a good reason to comment it right now Jacques > Regards > Scott > > HotWax Media > > > On 25/11/2009, at 2:08 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote: > >> The list bet bigger and bigger >> >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >> as: statusDelay of view-entity ExampleStatusDetail >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType because one already exists with the alias name [description >> ] and field name [EFAAT(ExampleFeatureApplAndType).description], existing field name is [EXFT.description] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> ExampleFeatureAndApplFullView because one already exists with the alias name [descriptio >> n] and field name [EFAAAT(ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType).description], existing field name is [EX.description] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,468 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already exists with the alias n >> ame [description] and field name [EXFT(ExampleFeature).description], existing field name is [EFAATD.description] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,468 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already exists with the alias n >> ame [description] and field name [EX(Example).description], existing field name is [EFAATD.description] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [pa >> rtyTypeId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], existing field name is [PTYREL.partyTypeId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [de >> scription] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], existing field name is [PTYREL.description] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [st >> atusId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], existing field name is [PTYREL.statusId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [fr >> omDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).fromDate], existing field name is [PTYREL.fromDate] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [th >> ruDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).thruDate], existing field name is [PTYREL.thruDate] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [co >> mments] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).comments], existing field name is [PTYREL.comments] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [partyTypeI >> d] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], existing field name is [PTYRL.partyTypeId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [externalId >> ] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).externalId], existing field name is [PTYRL.externalId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [preferredC >> urrencyUomId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).preferredCurrencyUomId], existing field name is >> [PTYRL.preferredCurrencyUomId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [descriptio >> n] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], existing field name is [PTYRL.description] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [statusId] >> and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], existing field name is [PTYRL.statusId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [createdDat >> e] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdDate], existing field name is [PTYRL.createdDate] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [createdByU >> serLogin] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdByUserLogin], existing field name is [PTYRL.createdByUserLogin] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [lastModifi >> edDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedDate], existing field name is [PTYRL.lastModifiedDate] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [lastModifi >> edByUserLogin] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedByUserLogin], existing field name is >> [PTYRL.lastModifiedByUserLogin] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [dataSource >> Id] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).dataSourceId], existing field name is [PTYRL.dataSourceId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [isUnread] >> and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).isUnread], existing field name is [PTYRL.isUnread] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [roleTypeId >> ] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).roleTypeId], existing field name is [PTYRL.roleTypeId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,546 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> InvoiceItemAndAssocProduct because one already exists with the alias name [amount] and f >> ield name [IIA(InvoiceItemAssoc).amount], existing field name is [INTM.amount] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >> as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >> as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >> as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >> as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >> as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >> as: totQuantityAvailable of view-entity OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >> OrderHeaderAndWorkEffort because one already exists with the alias name [priority] and f >> ield name [OH(OrderHeader).priority], existing field name is [WE.priority] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant rel >> ationship to entity [Content] title [Decorator]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [contentId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant rel >> ationship to entity [Content] title [Owner]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [contentId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant rel >> ationship to entity [Content] title [InstanceOf]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [contentId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ExampleFeatureAp >> plType] ant relationship to entity [ExampleFeatureApplType] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields >> [exampleFeatureApplTypeId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ExampleType] ant >> relationship to entity [ExampleType] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [exampleTypeId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ProductStore] an >> t relationship to entity [Facility] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [productStoreId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [FacilityGroup] a >> nt relationship to entity [FacilityGroup] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [facilityGroupId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Payment] ant rel >> ationship to entity [FinAccountTrans] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [paymentId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [InvoiceItem] ant >> relationship to entity [InvoiceItem] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [invoiceId,invoiceItemSeqId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [OrderAdjustment] >> ant relationship to entity [OrderAdjustment] title []; would auto- create: type [many] and fields [orderAdjustmentId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [FinAccountTrans] >> ant relationship to entity [Payment] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [finAccountTransId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ProductCategory] >> ant relationship to entity [ProductCategory] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields >> [productCategoryId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Facility] ant re >> lationship to entity [ProductStore] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [facilityId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ProductStoreGrou >> p] ant relationship to entity [ProductStoreGroup] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields >> [productStoreGroupId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,671 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Document] ant re >> lationship to entity [ShippingDocument] title []; would auto-create: type [one-nofk] and fields [documentId] >> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,671 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [TestingNode] ant >> relationship to entity [TestingNode] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [testingNodeId] >> >> Jacques >> > > |
Still big (one page) after r884047 :p
Jacques From: "Jacques Le Roux" <[hidden email]> > From: "Scott Gray" <[hidden email]> >> Umm... the list is only bigger because one of your commits uncomments a log statement that had previously been commented: >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from w..... > > Right, I did not spot it when rewieving, I have asked Bob Morley why he did so in > I will wait his answer (for a reasonnable length of time) before commenting out again, except if there is a good reason to comment > it right now > > Jacques > >> Regards >> Scott >> >> HotWax Media >> >> >> On 25/11/2009, at 2:08 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote: >> >>> The list bet bigger and bigger >>> >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >>> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >>> as: statusDelay of view-entity ExampleStatusDetail >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType because one already exists with the alias name [description >>> ] and field name [EFAAT(ExampleFeatureApplAndType).description], existing field name is [EXFT.description] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,453 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> ExampleFeatureAndApplFullView because one already exists with the alias name [descriptio >>> n] and field name [EFAAAT(ExampleFeatureAndApplAndType).description], existing field name is [EX.description] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,468 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already exists with the alias n >>> ame [description] and field name [EXFT(ExampleFeature).description], existing field name is [EFAATD.description] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,468 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> AllExamplesWithDesiredCustomerFeaturesReport because one already exists with the alias n >>> ame [description] and field name [EX(Example).description], existing field name is [EFAATD.description] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [pa >>> rtyTypeId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], existing field name is [PTYREL.partyTypeId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [de >>> scription] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], existing field name is [PTYREL.description] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [st >>> atusId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], existing field name is [PTYREL.statusId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [fr >>> omDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).fromDate], existing field name is [PTYREL.fromDate] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [th >>> ruDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).thruDate], existing field name is [PTYREL.thruDate] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRelationshipAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [co >>> mments] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).comments], existing field name is [PTYREL.comments] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [partyTypeI >>> d] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).partyTypeId], existing field name is [PTYRL.partyTypeId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [externalId >>> ] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).externalId], existing field name is [PTYRL.externalId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [preferredC >>> urrencyUomId] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).preferredCurrencyUomId], existing field name is >>> [PTYRL.preferredCurrencyUomId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [descriptio >>> n] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).description], existing field name is [PTYRL.description] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [statusId] >>> and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).statusId], existing field name is [PTYRL.statusId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [createdDat >>> e] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdDate], existing field name is [PTYRL.createdDate] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [createdByU >>> serLogin] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).createdByUserLogin], existing field name is [PTYRL.createdByUserLogin] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [lastModifi >>> edDate] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedDate], existing field name is [PTYRL.lastModifiedDate] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [lastModifi >>> edByUserLogin] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).lastModifiedByUserLogin], existing field name is >>> [PTYRL.lastModifiedByUserLogin] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [dataSource >>> Id] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).dataSourceId], existing field name is [PTYRL.dataSourceId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [isUnread] >>> and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).isUnread], existing field name is [PTYRL.isUnread] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,484 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> PartyRoleAndContactMechDetail because one already exists with the alias name [roleTypeId >>> ] and field name [PTYCM(PartyAndContactMech).roleTypeId], existing field name is [PTYRL.roleTypeId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,546 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> InvoiceItemAndAssocProduct because one already exists with the alias name [amount] and f >>> ield name [IIA(InvoiceItemAssoc).amount], existing field name is [INTM.amount] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >>> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >>> as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >>> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >>> as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByItem >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >>> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >>> as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,578 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >>> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >>> as: quantityOpen of view-entity OrderItemQuantityReportGroupByProduct >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >>> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >>> as: quantityOrdered of view-entity OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ 533:WARN ] Conversion for complex-alias needs to be >>> implemented for cache and in-memory eval stuff to work correctly, will not work for ali >>> as: totQuantityAvailable of view-entity OrderItemAndShipGrpInvResAndItemSum >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,593 (main) [ 691:INFO ] Throwing out field alias in view entity >>> OrderHeaderAndWorkEffort because one already exists with the alias name [priority] and f >>> ield name [OH(OrderHeader).priority], existing field name is [WE.priority] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant rel >>> ationship to entity [Content] title [Decorator]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [contentId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant rel >>> ationship to entity [Content] title [Owner]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [contentId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Content] ant rel >>> ationship to entity [Content] title [InstanceOf]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [contentId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,609 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ExampleFeatureAp >>> plType] ant relationship to entity [ExampleFeatureApplType] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields >>> [exampleFeatureApplTypeId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ExampleType] ant >>> relationship to entity [ExampleType] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [exampleTypeId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ProductStore] an >>> t relationship to entity [Facility] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [productStoreId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [FacilityGroup] a >>> nt relationship to entity [FacilityGroup] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [facilityGroupId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Payment] ant rel >>> ationship to entity [FinAccountTrans] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [paymentId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [InvoiceItem] ant >>> relationship to entity [InvoiceItem] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [invoiceId,invoiceItemSeqId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,640 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [OrderAdjustment] >>> ant relationship to entity [OrderAdjustment] title []; would auto- create: type [many] and fields [orderAdjustmentId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [FinAccountTrans] >>> ant relationship to entity [Payment] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [finAccountTransId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ProductCategory] >>> ant relationship to entity [ProductCategory] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields >>> [productCategoryId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Facility] ant re >>> lationship to entity [ProductStore] title []; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [facilityId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,656 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [ProductStoreGrou >>> p] ant relationship to entity [ProductStoreGroup] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields >>> [productStoreGroupId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,671 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [Document] ant re >>> lationship to entity [ShippingDocument] title []; would auto-create: type [one-nofk] and fields [documentId] >>> [java] 2009-11-24 14:05:10,671 (main) [ 365:INFO ] Existing relationship with the same name, but >>> different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [TestingNode] ant >>> relationship to entity [TestingNode] title [PrimaryParent]; would auto-create: type [many] and fields [testingNodeId] >>> >>> Jacques >>> >> >> > > |
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