Alternatively, if you have must have a distinction
between "InventoryItem" and "FixedAsset" why not have
a parent table called "Item" with either changing the
primary keys of InventoryItem and FixedAsset to itemId
or simply have a join table between InventoryItem and
Item as well as between FixedAsset and Item so their
keys can be translated. Since both can reside in a
facility. This way FixedAsset is only handling
accounting information and the related Item is
handling the facility/physical information.
============David Jones wrote:==============
Generally when something is purchased it is received
either as a
FixedAsset for company use, or as an InventoryItem for
resale. I
don't think we want to lose that distinction... I
think it would be
pretty confusing for users of the system, as well as
make the code a
fair but messier.