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Need Help Regarding Promotion Code

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Need Help Regarding Promotion Code

jaiser roney
9 posts
         I am new to ofbiz and working on a ofbiz project .I am working on
promotion code (that is promotion given to the client when he purchase any
products  for eg x product for y% discount ,  promotion is a code generated
for  a client ). As i am working on a revision which was taken before
exactly  one year . Now for the implemetation of promotion code i wanted to
know that   do today ofbiz have successfully implemented  the rules

1) x product for y% discount
2) x product for y discount
3) x product for y price
4) order percent discount
5) order amount flat

  and if the rules are successfully implemented , than how much it is
feasible to implement new code in the old revision of ofbiz
 and if it is feasible than from where can i will get the code

Please help me
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Re: Need Help Regarding Promotion Code

Scott Gray
986 posts
I would expect that rules 1-5 were in place a year ago (have you
checked if they work in your version?) so I doubt much has changed
there, and I don't think anything has been done on promotion codes
since then either.  So basically what you have shouldn't be much
different from what is in the trunk.


On 06/11/2007, jaiser roney <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
>          I am new to ofbiz and working on a ofbiz project .I am working on
> promotion code (that is promotion given to the client when he purchase any
> products  for eg x product for y% discount ,  promotion is a code generated
> for  a client ). As i am working on a revision which was taken before
> exactly  one year . Now for the implemetation of promotion code i wanted to
> know that   do today ofbiz have successfully implemented  the rules
> 1) x product for y% discount
> 2) x product for y discount
> 3) x product for y price
> 4) order percent discount
> 5) order amount flat
>   and if the rules are successfully implemented , than how much it is
> feasible to implement new code in the old revision of ofbiz
>  and if it is feasible than from where can i will get the code
> Please help me
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Re: Need Help Regarding Promotion Code

jaiser roney
9 posts
A lot thanks Scott

Here in my ofbiz revision  the below two rules are working fine

4)order percent discount
5)order amount flat

but problem exists for the

1) x product for y% discount
2) x product for y discount
3) x product for y price

For the case   4 and 5   I am successfully getting the values in the
getadjustments() method
of ShoppingCart.java

public List getAdjustments() {
       return adjustments;

Here I am getting a list  which contains entity OrderAdjustment
record  which  have  a field   amount   which  helps   in running the
case 4   and case 5

But  in first three cases  I am not getting the value in getAdjustments()
method of ShoppingCartItems.java

  public List getAdjustments() {

        return itemAdjustments;

Here itemAdjustments returns null

** The code which calls above two methods is very much similar for the case
of gettting returned list  of getAdjustments() method

I am not able to identify that from where the value goes in OrderAdjustment
table temporarily

### Is there in ofbiz regarding to promotion code are there any services
called internally , which we cannot identify that from where are they
called   ??????
for eg    getProductInventoryAvailable

Please Help