Need a style in maincss.css for form widget use

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Need a style in maincss.css for form widget use

Leon Torres-2
Hi, we need a style in maincss.css for form widget tables to give them 100%
width style with a 1px border.  Basically we need to make the table the size of
the page, otherwise the columns will be squished together.  Adding a 1px border
is also a good cosmetic effect.

I found that the class .boxoutside is suitable for this if "width: 100%" is
added.  Alternatively, a new style could be created by copying boxoutside and
adding the width 100%.

What would be the best way?

- Leon
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Re: Need a style in maincss.css for form widget use

David E Jones-2

Create a new one that goes along with the other styles used by  
default in the form widget widget.

In general each style, or more importantly each set of styles, should  
have a purpose and be used together in the context they were meant  
for and then never used outside that context.

The current styles and how they are used are pretty messy. We have  
established some goals for their use, mostly along the lines of the  
CSS Zen Garden stuff, but only very little work (and interest...) has  
gone into that direction.

The least we can do is look at styles in terms of their purpose and  
NOT in terms of their function and use them that way.

In other words, create a new style rather than trying to re- or multi-
purpose an existing style. BTW, for clarity: I used the term style  
here because in CSS terms these should all be "class".


On Sep 25, 2006, at 11:39 PM, Leon Torres wrote:

> Hi, we need a style in maincss.css for form widget tables to give  
> them 100% width style with a 1px border.  Basically we need to make  
> the table the size of the page, otherwise the columns will be  
> squished together.  Adding a 1px border is also a good cosmetic  
> effect.
> I found that the class .boxoutside is suitable for this if "width:  
> 100%" is added.  Alternatively, a new style could be created by  
> copying boxoutside and adding the width 100%.
> What would be the best way?
> - Leon

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Re: Need a style in maincss.css for form widget use

Leon Torres-2
Ok great, this is going to be a form widget style for use with
default-table-style.  Should it go in maincss.css or somewhere else?

- Leon

David E Jones wrote:

> Create a new one that goes along with the other styles used by default
> in the form widget widget.
> In general each style, or more importantly each set of styles, should
> have a purpose and be used together in the context they were meant for
> and then never used outside that context.
> The current styles and how they are used are pretty messy. We have
> established some goals for their use, mostly along the lines of the CSS
> Zen Garden stuff, but only very little work (and interest...) has gone
> into that direction.
> The least we can do is look at styles in terms of their purpose and NOT
> in terms of their function and use them that way.
> In other words, create a new style rather than trying to re- or
> multi-purpose an existing style. BTW, for clarity: I used the term style
> here because in CSS terms these should all be "class".
> -David
> On Sep 25, 2006, at 11:39 PM, Leon Torres wrote:
>> Hi, we need a style in maincss.css for form widget tables to give them
>> 100% width style with a 1px border.  Basically we need to make the
>> table the size of the page, otherwise the columns will be squished
>> together.  Adding a 1px border is also a good cosmetic effect.
>> I found that the class .boxoutside is suitable for this if "width:
>> 100%" is added.  Alternatively, a new style could be created by
>> copying boxoutside and adding the width 100%.
>> What would be the best way?
>> - Leon