Q: Where is it that you are seeing this...?
A: While browsing categories/products in ecommerce (i.e. productsummary.ftl
and productdetail.ftl)
Q: ...are you sure the currency in the database is kr/SEK?
A: If Catalog Manager is to be trusted then the asnwer is 'Yes'.
Some interesting observations about the currency UOM ID: for those products
that have additional prices in other currencies the price.currencyUsed is
allways empty. For products that do not have any other currencies except
USD, price.currencyUsed is allways USD. This is valid no matter what browser
locale you use.
I tend towards Peter's explanation which, honestly, is an unpleasant
discovery for me. David, can you confirm this assertion?
____________________________________ Original Message
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Sent: den 26 oktober 2005 15:28
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If it is showing US$ instead of "kr" then there must be an @ofbizCurrency
tag somewhere that is not passing in the currency UOM ID. Where is it that
you are seeing this, and are you sure the currency in the database is kr/SEK
and not USD?
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 11:55:52 +0200
From: Peter Goron <
[hidden email]>
Hi Firas,
Currently Ofbiz doesn't handle currency conversion according to the user's
locale "on the fly". That's why currency is displayed in USD and not SEK in
your example.
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