By default all of these UtilValidate methods use that defaultEmptyOK
and that is set to true for pragmatic purposes. It makes the UI code
MUCH MUCH more complicated any other way because we want to consider
constraints such as isEmpty and isEmail as separate constraints that
can have different messages and such.
If you don't want a field to be allowed to be empty, you check to see
if it is empty explicitly. I don't think anyone would want to have a
check for isEmail to implicitly also require it to not be empty
because then there would be no way you could allow it to be empty,
but require it to be an email.
This isn't a complicated thing. It is simply for pragmatic purposes,
as pretty much everything is....
On Oct 13, 2005, at 8:50 AM,
[hidden email] wrote:
> Hi,
> I stumbelded over a bug in sequoia 0.8 that doesnt send order
> email. It has been fixed by by Si with 5649 including a note that I
> want to adress here
> Any hints why
> s = null;
> bool = UtilValidate.isEmail(String s)
> should be true?
> I would say a "null" is a empty a Email-Adress and therefore no
> valid email adress . it should return false!
> Therefore should look like this
> defaultEmptyOK is false
> Class
> public static boolean isEmail(String s) {
> - if (isEmpty(s)) return defaultEmptyOK;
> + if (isEmpty(s)) return false;
> Should I open a Ticket in jira and submit the patch?
> mit freundlichen Grüssen/ Kind regards / muchos saludos
> --
> Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. Michael Pfurtscheller
> zentric GmbH & Co. KG
> mobil: +49-172-5457143
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