[OFBiz] Dev - ordermgr's orderview page is turning into a mess

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[OFBiz] Dev - ordermgr's orderview page is turning into a mess

Leon Torres-2
The main orderview page in ordermgr is getting really messy,
specifically in the order items section. The information density for
each line item is absurd.

I propose we add the ability to collapse/expand various sets of data in
the order items section. This might be a perfect opportunity to try
Ajax. Thoughts?

- Leon
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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - ordermgr's orderview page is turning into a mess

Joe Eckard
I don't think AJAX would be required for this - there are several
javascript libraries out there designed to handle collapsing /
expanding information using the css display and visibility properties.

http://moofx.mad4milk.net/ - lightweight javascript effects library
http://www.netlobo.com/div_hiding.html - Showing and Hiding a DIV using
CSS and Javascript


On Oct 28, 2005, at 8:41 PM, Leon Torres wrote:

> The main orderview page in ordermgr is getting really messy,
> specifically in the order items section. The information density for
> each line item is absurd.
> I propose we add the ability to collapse/expand various sets of data
> in the order items section. This might be a perfect opportunity to try
> Ajax. Thoughts?
> - Leon
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