I'm not aware of any outstanding work that anyone has in the
requirements area. There was stuff going on in the requests area but
that is pretty much over now.
A lot of these things could still use tabs to show related data, and
while most of the main ones are there some major ones are probably
still missing in a lot of places. The requirements stuff is used for
various things, including inventory requirements based on orders and
such, and for work requirements as sort of an intermediary between a
request and related work efforts, and I think most of the early
effort was oriented to this second use.
On Oct 19, 2005, at 6:22 PM, Si Chen wrote:
> Hi.
> I was looking at Requirements today. I was curious if there
> should be an "Orders" tab later when you click into Requirements so
> you can see which orders are part of the requirement? Right now,
> it just shows a "Requests" tab.
> Is this a planned feature for later?
> Si
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