OFBiz -Shopify Integration

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OFBiz -Shopify Integration

Ritesh Kumar
Dear All,

Taking the discussion further, we are going to have two more sessions today.

In the first session, we are going to answer two very important questions
which were put forth to us in the previous session.

1. How does OFBiz fit into the world of Shopify?
2. Why do we need to integrate Shopify with OFBiz if OFBiz comes with its
own eCommerce solution?

Details are
Time: Jan 9, 2021 02:30 PM India
Meeting ID: 972 3693 1318
Passcode: 1kRL7v

The second session will be about connection and APIs. We will talk about
available APIs, request throttling and other important things.

Details are
Time: Jan 9, 2021 05:00 PM India
Meeting ID: 923 0230 4776
Passcode: fQZK86

Do join us in the discussion.

Ritesh Kumar