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[OFBiz] Users - ID generator mixed up?

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[OFBiz] Users - ID generator mixed up?

Hes Siemelink-2
4 posts
Hi List

I am still in newbie mode -- I hope you can help me out with this one.

In the catalog manager, when I try to add several products to a category I get this error:

The Following Errors Occurred:

  • Error getting search results: org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException: Exception while inserting the following entity: [GenericEntity:ProductCategoryMember][createdStamp,2005-10-18 11:14:53.577(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2005-10-18 11:14:53.567(java.sql.Timestamp)][fromDate,2005-10-18 11:13:37.788(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2005-10-18 11:14:53.577(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2005-10-18 11:14:53.567(java.sql.Timestamp)][productCategoryId,METROSUR-PROMOTIONS(java.lang.String)][productId,Musuc.Soup(java.lang.String)] (while inserting: [GenericEntity:ProductCategoryMember][createdStamp,2005-10-18 11:14:53.577(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2005-10-18 11:14:53.567(java.sql.Timestamp)][fromDate,2005-10-18 11:13:37.788(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2005-10-18 11:14:53.577(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2005-10-18 11:14:53.567(java.sql.Timestamp)][productCategoryId,METROSUR-PROMOTIONS(java.lang.String)][productId,Musuc.Soup(java.lang.String)] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO OFBIZ.PRODUCT_CATEGORY_MEMBER (PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID, PRODUCT_ID, FROM_DATE, THRU_DATE, COMMENTS, SEQUENCE_NUM, QUANTITY, LAST_UPDATED_STAMP, LAST_UPDATED_TX_STAMP, CREATED_STAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (The statement was aborted because it would have caused a duplicate key value in a unique or primary key constraint or unique index identified by 'SQL050929003624180' defined on 'PRODUCT_CATEGORY_MEMBER'.))).
Is this a bug or am I doing something that I am not supposed to do?



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