[OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Installation Website URL

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[OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Installation Website URL

1. from svn checkout there is no webapp mounted to
"/".  Each webapp's mountpoint is declared in the
component's  component.xml file (ie ecommerce mount
point is declared in
%ofbiz$/applications/ecommerce/component.xml ,
partymgr is declared in
%ofbiz%/application/party/component.xml , etc)

2.  for the ecommerce app the logo is set in several
places so that it cascades (i belive this is still the
case) 1st in the Website, then in the ProductStore,
then in the Catalog.  The remainder webapps should
have the headerLogoUrl field set in each respective
deocroator screen.  (ie ordermgr webapp is set in

========Vinay Wrote:



I read all the documentation that I could find and
installed build 6140
was able to see,, and as stated
in the easy setup
guide. I have some rather basic questions:


1. What url shows the contents of the website
directory? I tried
localhost but I get 404 - file not found. Is there
some configuration
needs to be modified for this?
2. Where does one modify the header (logo etc) and
footer for the
entire portal or it needs to be modified in each



Vinay Agarwal
Users mailing list
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[OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Error Installing OFBiz with PostgreSQL

Vinay Agarwal

I am trying to get OFBiz working with PostgreSQL but have been unsuccessful
so far. I would appreciate any help. Here are the details.

SYSTEM: Win XP/SP2, OFBiz 6140, Ant 1.6.5, Java SDK 1.4.2_10

DOCUMENTS: Basic OFBiz Production Setup by: David E. Jones and Wiki Online
Administration Manual Database Setup Notes.

1. Installed PostgreSQL version 8.0.4, as Service,
        Acct/Pass postgres/postgres
        Port 5432
        Superuser admin
        Pass ofbiz
   Installs ok, can access through pgAdmin.

2. Checked driver in ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/lib/jdbc to be
postgresql-8.0-311.jdbc3.jar. Left is unchanged.

3. In ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml file,
a. In   <datasource name="localpostgres"
    changed ------------
    to -----------------------
b. Changed------------------------------------------------------------
    <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"
    <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"

    <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
    <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
    <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
    <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>

    <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
    <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
4. To seed the data, set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME, changed command prompt
directory to ${ofbiz install dir} and ran
        ant run-install

The output is very long and includes the following errors:

[java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element
'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type
is element-only.

[java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element
'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type
is element-only.

[java] 85829 (main) [XAConnectionFactory.java:371:ERROR] Can't get an
[java] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection attempt failed.

In the end, no database is added.

What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any guidance.
Vinay Agarwal

Users mailing list
[hidden email]
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RE: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Error Installing OFBiz with PostgreSQL

Firas A.-2

The two xml erros are due to a qouple of typos in the
C:/Server/ofbiz_6140/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml which
makes this file an invalid xml document. There are two superfluous qutoation
marks in entitymodel.xml: one is on line 2386 (column 56) and the other on
the next line (column 60). Removing those two should get you pass these

Unfortunately I can't say anything about the third, connection, error.



-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of Vinay Agarwal
Sent: den 24 november 2005 02:12
To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Error Installing OFBiz with PostgreSQL


I am trying to get OFBiz working with PostgreSQL but have been unsuccessful
so far. I would appreciate any help. Here are the details.

SYSTEM: Win XP/SP2, OFBiz 6140, Ant 1.6.5, Java SDK 1.4.2_10

DOCUMENTS: Basic OFBiz Production Setup by: David E. Jones and Wiki Online
Administration Manual Database Setup Notes.

1. Installed PostgreSQL version 8.0.4, as Service,
        Acct/Pass postgres/postgres
        Port 5432
        Superuser admin
        Pass ofbiz
   Installs ok, can access through pgAdmin.

2. Checked driver in ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/lib/jdbc to be
postgresql-8.0-311.jdbc3.jar. Left is unchanged.

3. In ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml file,
a. In   <datasource name="localpostgres"
    changed ------------
    to -----------------------
b. Changed------------------------------------------------------------
    <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"
    <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"

    <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
    <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
    <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
    <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>

    <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
    <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
4. To seed the data, set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME, changed command prompt
directory to ${ofbiz install dir} and ran
        ant run-install

The output is very long and includes the following errors:

[java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element
'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type
is element-only.

[java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element
'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type
is element-only.

[java] 85829 (main) [XAConnectionFactory.java:371:ERROR] Can't get an
XAConnection [java] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection
attempt failed.

In the end, no database is added.

What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any guidance.
Vinay Agarwal

Users mailing list
[hidden email]

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[OFBiz] Users - RE: [OFBiz] Product Comparison

In reply to this post by Vinay Agarwal
Hi All,

Is it possible to do product comparison in OFBiz or other pre sales activities.



-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Firas A.
Sent: 24 November 2005 10:32
To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
Subject: RE: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Error Installing OFBiz with


The two xml erros are due to a qouple of typos in the
C:/Server/ofbiz_6140/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml which
makes this file an invalid xml document. There are two superfluous qutoation
marks in entitymodel.xml: one is on line 2386 (column 56) and the other on
the next line (column 60). Removing those two should get you pass these

Unfortunately I can't say anything about the third, connection, error.



-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of Vinay Agarwal
Sent: den 24 november 2005 02:12
To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Error Installing OFBiz with PostgreSQL


I am trying to get OFBiz working with PostgreSQL but have been unsuccessful
so far. I would appreciate any help. Here are the details.

SYSTEM: Win XP/SP2, OFBiz 6140, Ant 1.6.5, Java SDK 1.4.2_10

DOCUMENTS: Basic OFBiz Production Setup by: David E. Jones and Wiki Online
Administration Manual Database Setup Notes.

1. Installed PostgreSQL version 8.0.4, as Service,
        Acct/Pass postgres/postgres
        Port 5432
        Superuser admin
        Pass ofbiz
   Installs ok, can access through pgAdmin.

2. Checked driver in ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/lib/jdbc to be
postgresql-8.0-311.jdbc3.jar. Left is unchanged.

3. In ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml file,
a. In   <datasource name="localpostgres"
    changed ------------
    to -----------------------
b. Changed------------------------------------------------------------
    <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"
    <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"

    <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localderby"/>
    <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
    <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
    <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>

    <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
    <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-name="localpostgres"/>
4. To seed the data, set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME, changed command prompt
directory to ${ofbiz install dir} and ran
        ant run-install

The output is very long and includes the following errors:

[java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element
'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type
is element-only.

[java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3: Element
'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's content type
is element-only.

[java] 85829 (main) [XAConnectionFactory.java:371:ERROR] Can't get an
XAConnection [java] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection
attempt failed.

In the end, no database is added.

What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any guidance.
Vinay Agarwal

Users mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - RE: [OFBiz] Product Comparison

Andrew Sykes

You can define various type of product "association" in the catalog

These are used for cross-sell/up-sell; products deprecated by others; as
well as variants for a virtual product (e.g. product=car, variants=red-
car.blue-car etc).

Perhaps this is what you are looking for?

Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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[OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync Transaction Problems

Andrew Sykes

Does anyone know why I'm getting a transaction error with the entitysync
stuff? - the error is shown below...

129406[    TransactionImpl.java:765:INFO ] set rollback only
346828[  ServiceDispatcher.java:447:DEBUG] [[Sync service finished-
total:229.86,since last(Begin):229.86]] - 'JobDispatcher /
346828[    TransactionUtil.java:83 :WARN ]
---- exception report
[TransactionUtil.begin] active transaction marked for rollback in place,
so no transaction begun; this stack trace shows when the exception
Exception: java.lang.Exception
Message: Tx Stack Placeholder
---- stack trace
java.lang.Exception: Tx Stack Placeholder

346828[    TransactionUtil.java:614:WARN ] WARNING: In
getSetRollbackOnlyCause no stack placeholder was in place, here is the
current location:
346828[  ServiceDispatcher.java:381:DEBUG] [[Sync service failed...-
total:0.0,since last(Begin):0.0]] - 'JobDispatcher / runEntitySync'
346828[  ServiceDispatcher.java:384:ERROR]
---- exception report
Service [runEntitySync] threw an unexpected exception/error
Exception: org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException
Message: Service target threw an unexpected exception (null)
---- stack trace
org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException: Service target threw an
unexpected exception (null)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Error Installing OFBiz with PostgreSQL

David E. Jones
In reply to this post by Firas A.-2

These are fixed in SVN as of a day or two ago, BTW.


On Nov 24, 2005, at 3:32 AM, Firas A. wrote:

> Vinay,
> The two xml erros are due to a qouple of typos in the
> C:/Server/ofbiz_6140/applications/accounting/entitydef/
> entitymodel.xml which
> makes this file an invalid xml document. There are two superfluous  
> qutoation
> marks in entitymodel.xml: one is on line 2386 (column 56) and the  
> other on
> the next line (column 60). Removing those two should get you pass  
> these
> errors.
> Unfortunately I can't say anything about the third, connection, error.
> Regards,
> </Firas>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
> [hidden email]]
> On Behalf Of Vinay Agarwal
> Sent: den 24 november 2005 02:12
> To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Error Installing OFBiz with  
> PostgreSQL
> Hello,
> I am trying to get OFBiz working with PostgreSQL but have been  
> unsuccessful
> so far. I would appreciate any help. Here are the details.
> SYSTEM: Win XP/SP2, OFBiz 6140, Ant 1.6.5, Java SDK 1.4.2_10
> DOCUMENTS: Basic OFBiz Production Setup by: David E. Jones and Wiki  
> Online
> Administration Manual Database Setup Notes.
> 1. Installed PostgreSQL version 8.0.4, as Service,
> Acct/Pass postgres/postgres
> Port 5432
> Superuser admin
> Pass ofbiz
>    Installs ok, can access through pgAdmin.
> 2. Checked driver in ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/lib/jdbc  
> to be
> postgresql-8.0-311.jdbc3.jar. Left is unchanged.
> 3. In ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml  
> file,
> changed
> a. In   <datasource name="localpostgres"
>     changed ------------
>                 jdbc-username="ofbiz"
>                 jdbc-password="ofbiz"
>     to -----------------------
>                 jdbc-username="admin"
>                 jdbc-password="ofbiz"
> b. Changed------------------------------------------------------------
>     <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
> distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localderby"/>
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"
> datasource-name="localderbyodbc"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
> entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localderby"/>
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"
> datasource-name="localderbyodbc"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localderby"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
>    to-----------------------------------------------------------------
>     <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
> distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
> entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> 4. To seed the data, set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME, changed command  
> prompt
> directory to ${ofbiz install dir} and ran
> ant run-install
> The output is very long and includes the following errors:
> [java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
> C:/Server/ofbiz_6140/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
> process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3:  
> Element
> 'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's  
> content type
> is element-only.
> [java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
> C:/Server/ofbiz_6140/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
> process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3:  
> Element
> 'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's  
> content type
> is element-only.
> [java] 85829 (main) [XAConnectionFactory.java:371:ERROR] Can't get an
> XAConnection [java] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection
> attempt failed.
> [java]at
> org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl
> (ConnectionFa
> ctoryImpl.java:136)
> In the end, no database is added.
> What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any guidance.
> Regards,
> Vinay Agarwal
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - RE: [OFBiz] Product Comparison

David E. Jones
In reply to this post by jitender.garg

There is no existing functionality for this, though it shouldn't be  
too hard to write as this is one part of the design the  
ProductFeature data model and functionality. That is used right now  
for parametric searches, and those same "parameters" (or Features in  
OFBiz lingo) would be used for a parametric product comparison.

The trick is defining which features to use in which comparisons and  
to perhaps limit which products can be compared. The proposed  
solution to this is to attach the parametric comparison features to a  
category and require that all products being compared belong to that  
category. Then given the productCategoryId and the 2 or more  
productIds you can render a screen that compares those features.


On Nov 24, 2005, at 4:47 AM, <[hidden email]>  
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Is it possible to do product comparison in OFBiz or other pre sales  
> activities.
> regards,
> Jitender
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]]On Behalf Of Firas A.
> Sent: 24 November 2005 10:32
> To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
> Subject: RE: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Error Installing OFBiz with
> PostgreSQL
> Vinay,
> The two xml erros are due to a qouple of typos in the
> C:/Server/ofbiz_6140/applications/accounting/entitydef/
> entitymodel.xml which
> makes this file an invalid xml document. There are two superfluous  
> qutoation
> marks in entitymodel.xml: one is on line 2386 (column 56) and the  
> other on
> the next line (column 60). Removing those two should get you pass  
> these
> errors.
> Unfortunately I can't say anything about the third, connection, error.
> Regards,
> </Firas>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
> [hidden email]]
> On Behalf Of Vinay Agarwal
> Sent: den 24 november 2005 02:12
> To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie: Error Installing OFBiz with  
> PostgreSQL
> Hello,
> I am trying to get OFBiz working with PostgreSQL but have been  
> unsuccessful
> so far. I would appreciate any help. Here are the details.
> SYSTEM: Win XP/SP2, OFBiz 6140, Ant 1.6.5, Java SDK 1.4.2_10
> DOCUMENTS: Basic OFBiz Production Setup by: David E. Jones and Wiki  
> Online
> Administration Manual Database Setup Notes.
> 1. Installed PostgreSQL version 8.0.4, as Service,
> Acct/Pass postgres/postgres
> Port 5432
> Superuser admin
> Pass ofbiz
>    Installs ok, can access through pgAdmin.
> 2. Checked driver in ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/lib/jdbc  
> to be
> postgresql-8.0-311.jdbc3.jar. Left is unchanged.
> 3. In ${ofbiz install dir}/framework/entity/config/entityengine.xml  
> file,
> changed
> a. In   <datasource name="localpostgres"
>     changed ------------
>                 jdbc-username="ofbiz"
>                 jdbc-password="ofbiz"
>     to -----------------------
>                 jdbc-username="admin"
>                 jdbc-password="ofbiz"
> b. Changed------------------------------------------------------------
>     <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
> distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localderby"/>
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"
> datasource-name="localderbyodbc"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
> entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localderby"/>
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz.odbc"
> datasource-name="localderbyodbc"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localderby"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
>    to-----------------------------------------------------------------
>     <delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
> distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="default-no-eca" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main"
> entity-eca-enabled="false" distributed-cache-clear-enabled="false">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="test" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
>     <delegator name="other" entity-model-reader="main"
> entity-group-reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main">
>         <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
> name="localpostgres"/>
>     </delegator>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> 4. To seed the data, set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME, changed command  
> prompt
> directory to ${ofbiz install dir} and ran
> ant run-install
> The output is very long and includes the following errors:
> [java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
> C:/Server/ofbiz_6140/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
> process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3:  
> Element
> 'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's  
> content type
> is element-only.
> [java] 8250 (main) [UtilXml.java:634:ERROR] XmlFileLoader: File
> C:/Server/ofbiz_6140/applications/accounting/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
> process error. Line: 2398. Error message: cvc-complex-type.2.3:  
> Element
> 'entity' cannot have character [children], because the type's  
> content type
> is element-only.
> [java] 85829 (main) [XAConnectionFactory.java:371:ERROR] Can't get an
> XAConnection [java] org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: The connection
> attempt failed.
> [java]at
> org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl
> (ConnectionFa
> ctoryImpl.java:136)
> In the end, no database is added.
> What am I doing wrong? I would appreciate any guidance.
> Regards,
> Vinay Agarwal
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync Transaction Problems

David E. Jones
In reply to this post by Andrew Sykes


Which revision of OFBiz are you using? There is a null pointer  
exception in there that appears to not be possible in the current  
code (on TransactionUtil.java:90).


On Nov 24, 2005, at 7:13 AM, Andrew Sykes wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone know why I'm getting a transaction error with the  
> entitysync
> stuff? - the error is shown below...
> 129406[    TransactionImpl.java:765:INFO ] set rollback only
> (tx=bb14:38:0:01b416515c59de9dd8...80986a:)
> 346828[  ServiceDispatcher.java:447:DEBUG] [[Sync service finished-
> total:229.86,since last(Begin):229.86]] - 'JobDispatcher /
> remoteStoreEntitySyncDataRmi'
> 346828[    TransactionUtil.java:83 :WARN ]
> ---- exception report
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> [TransactionUtil.begin] active transaction marked for rollback in  
> place,
> so no transaction begun; this stack trace shows when the exception
> began:
> Exception: java.lang.Exception
> Message: Tx Stack Placeholder
> ---- stack trace
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> java.lang.Exception: Tx Stack Placeholder
> org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.TransactionUtil.setTransactionBeginStack
> (TransactionUtil.java:517)
> org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.TransactionUtil.begin
> (TransactionUtil.java:117)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 279)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 213)
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(GenericDispatcher.java:
> 110)
> org.ofbiz.service.job.GenericServiceJob.exec(GenericServiceJob.java:
> 80)
> org.ofbiz.service.job.JobInvoker.run(JobInvoker.java:226)
> java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> 346828[    TransactionUtil.java:614:WARN ] WARNING: In
> getSetRollbackOnlyCause no stack placeholder was in place, here is the
> current location:
> 346828[  ServiceDispatcher.java:381:DEBUG] [[Sync service failed...-
> total:0.0,since last(Begin):0.0]] - 'JobDispatcher / runEntitySync'
> 346828[  ServiceDispatcher.java:384:ERROR]
> ---- exception report
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Service [runEntitySync] threw an unexpected exception/error
> Exception: org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException
> Message: Service target threw an unexpected exception (null)
> ---- stack trace
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericServiceException: Service target threw an
> unexpected exception (null)
> org.ofbiz.service.engine.StandardJavaEngine.serviceInvoker
> (StandardJavaEngine.java:113)
> org.ofbiz.service.engine.StandardJavaEngine.runSync
> (StandardJavaEngine.java:63)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 339)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 213)
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(GenericDispatcher.java:
> 110)
> com.howells.schemesync.SchemeSyncServices.runEntitySyncWrapper
> (SchemeSyncServices.java:63)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
> org.ofbiz.service.engine.StandardJavaEngine.serviceInvoker
> (StandardJavaEngine.java:101)
> org.ofbiz.service.engine.StandardJavaEngine.runSync
> (StandardJavaEngine.java:63)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 339)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 213)
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(GenericDispatcher.java:
> 110)
> org.ofbiz.service.job.GenericServiceJob.exec(GenericServiceJob.java:
> 80)
> org.ofbiz.service.job.JobInvoker.run(JobInvoker.java:226)
> java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> org.ofbiz.entity.transaction.TransactionUtil.begin
> (TransactionUtil.java:90)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 279)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 213)
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(GenericDispatcher.java:
> 110)
> org.ofbiz.entityext.synchronization.EntitySyncContext.saveResultsRepor
> tedFromDataStore(EntitySyncContext.java:756)
> org.ofbiz.entityext.synchronization.EntitySyncServices.runEntitySync
> (EntitySyncServices.java:118)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
> org.ofbiz.service.engine.StandardJavaEngine.serviceInvoker
> (StandardJavaEngine.java:101)
> org.ofbiz.service.engine.StandardJavaEngine.runSync
> (StandardJavaEngine.java:63)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 339)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 213)
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(GenericDispatcher.java:
> 110)
> com.howells.schemesync.SchemeSyncServices.runEntitySyncWrapper
> (SchemeSyncServices.java:63)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
> (DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
> org.ofbiz.service.engine.StandardJavaEngine.serviceInvoker
> (StandardJavaEngine.java:101)
> org.ofbiz.service.engine.StandardJavaEngine.runSync
> (StandardJavaEngine.java:63)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 339)
> org.ofbiz.service.ServiceDispatcher.runSync(ServiceDispatcher.java:
> 213)
> org.ofbiz.service.GenericDispatcher.runSync(GenericDispatcher.java:
> 110)
> org.ofbiz.service.job.GenericServiceJob.exec(GenericServiceJob.java:
> 80)
> org.ofbiz.service.job.JobInvoker.run(JobInvoker.java:226)
> java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:534)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------
> Kind Regards
> --
> Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
> Sykes Development Ltd
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