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[OFBiz] Users - Newbie Questions

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[OFBiz] Users - Newbie Questions

Christopher Farley
22 posts
I discovered ofbiz last week, and so far I find the whole project very
impressive. I have spent the last four years developing a custom ERP
solution for my business, and I am sometimes amazed at how slow the
progress is.

My plan is to try and use ofbiz to replace our last remaining legacy
commercial application. The only thing I use this legacy app for is
managing my inventory -- creating and receiving purchase orders, keeping
track of item costs, etc.

Here is one of my big questions:

My current legacy inventory app has support for two kinds of 'kit' items:
'assembled' kits, which are products that are created from one or more
other products. These 'assembled' kits have inventory records. The user
enters a 'kit assembly' record, and this increases the quantity on hand
for the kit item, and decreases the quantity on hand for the components.

The other type of kit is a 'on-the-fly' kit. These kit items are also
composed of one or more products, but these kits have no inventory
records, i.e. 'quantity on hand' is undefinable. The components are removed
from inventory at the moment a sale is made. (Adding one of these kit
items to an order automatically causes all the components to be added to
the order. The end-user does not see the components on the order, just
the kit.)

Does ofbiz already support these concepts? I haven't looked at the
manufacturing application yet, but I have spent a fair amount of time
trying to create 'on the fly' kits via product associations, configured
products, etc.


Christopher Farley
Users mailing list
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie Questions

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
The on-the-fly kit is supported as "Marketing Package Auto-Explode".  See


Christopher Farley wrote:

>I discovered ofbiz last week, and so far I find the whole project very
>impressive. I have spent the last four years developing a custom ERP
>solution for my business, and I am sometimes amazed at how slow the
>progress is.
>My plan is to try and use ofbiz to replace our last remaining legacy
>commercial application. The only thing I use this legacy app for is
>managing my inventory -- creating and receiving purchase orders, keeping
>track of item costs, etc.
>Here is one of my big questions:
>My current legacy inventory app has support for two kinds of 'kit' items:
>'assembled' kits, which are products that are created from one or more
>other products. These 'assembled' kits have inventory records. The user
>enters a 'kit assembly' record, and this increases the quantity on hand
>for the kit item, and decreases the quantity on hand for the components.
>The other type of kit is a 'on-the-fly' kit. These kit items are also
>composed of one or more products, but these kits have no inventory
>records, i.e. 'quantity on hand' is undefinable. The components are removed
>from inventory at the moment a sale is made. (Adding one of these kit
>items to an order automatically causes all the components to be added to
>the order. The end-user does not see the components on the order, just
>the kit.)
>Does ofbiz already support these concepts? I haven't looked at the
>manufacturing application yet, but I have spent a fair amount of time
>trying to create 'on the fly' kits via product associations, configured
>products, etc.
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Newbie Questions

Christopher Farley
22 posts
Si Chen ([hidden email]) wrote:

> The on-the-fly kit is supported as "Marketing Package Auto-Explode".  See
> http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-83

That's pretty close to what we need except for the fact the parent
product disappears from the order when it is saved... My current
on-the-fly kit system implements kits so that the parent product
always stays on the order, and the component products may be hidden
from the end user.  This way, if the customer orders a 'Garden
Salad' item, their receipts/order history will show the 'Garden
Salad', and not just a bunch of lettuce, onions, tomatoes, etc.  To
implement this, there are order detail attributes such as
'kit_parent_order_line' (which order line does this component belong
to), 'kit_visible' (whether or not to display this component to the
user -- usually no), 'kit_mod_qty' (whether the component's quantity
can be modified), and a few other more obscure attributes.  
Maybe I've found my first OFBiz customization project...

As for pre-assembled 'kits': would OFBiz handle these via the
manufacturing application? What is the easiest way to manufacture
a product from other component products? I've played around with
the OFBiz manufacturing application, but the terminology ('routing',
production runs, etc.) is alien to me. I am looking for a simple
way to create product X out of components Y and Z. Is there an item
in the demo data that gets manufactured in such a way?


Christopher Farley
Users mailing list
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