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[OFBiz] Users - OFBIZ Cache Tuning in base/config/cache.properties

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[OFBiz] Users - OFBIZ Cache Tuning in base/config/cache.properties

26 posts

Hi again on this issue,

I reseached over the available documentation again (last time in march 2005 ) but didnt find any news. So this is another attemp to get a better understanding.

Existing Info I found:
Wiki: http://ofbizwiki1.go-integral.com/Wiki.jsp?page=CacheSettings
ProductionSetupguide: http://www.undersunconsulting.com/static/OFBizBasicProductionSetup.pdf

There is not much detail in those documents. They both pretty much say: Do it in the cache.properties :-)

I think all ofbiz admins need more detail on it. Thats why I specify the questions more detailed and would appreceate if anybody would post a example fine-tuned cache.properties file

All Feedback and hints will be compiled by me and added to the wiki/faq

So here are my questions
1. Question: What is the Flag "useSoftreference" for? What does true and false do?
2. Question: What unit is "maxSize" and what if it is left empty in the cache.propery?

3.Question: What exactly do the per-delegator Entity Engine cache settings tune?
#Examples for per-delegator Entity Engine cache settings

4. On the Cache Maintenance Page I finde entriey like "entitycache.entity.default.XXXX" and "entitycache.entity-list.default.XXXXX". What is the difference betwen those?
And why is there no entry in the cache.properties for entitycache.entity.default.XXXX entries?
Where do I create those entitycache.entity.default.XXXX entries
5. Questions regarding the Cache Maintenance Page
I cleared the cache and afterwards I montitored the caches (I hope the formating with tabs is visibel too you)

Cache Name size hitCount missCount maxSize expireTime useSoftRef?
a) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductCategoryMember 9,822 7,992 54,072 20,000 86,400,000 true
b) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceAction 52 2,180 2,736 3,000 86,400,000 true
c) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceCond 109 56,733 59,239 70,000 86,400,000 true

On a) With cache the missCount was allmost emmidiatly at 54000 the hitCount and size slowly crow. My question now is: Why isnt the size 20000 after 54000 misses? TheProdukctCategoryMember is ideal for caching.
On b and c) since cache clearing the cachehit count is growing almost linear with the misscount! Why? Those tables are suppossed to be queried every almost every shop hit and the tables are static! So I would expect the missCount to be growing very slowly and the hitCount to grow very fast.

6. Qustion: What other tuning for the cache.properties tips are there?
Answer from http://www.undersunconsulting.com/static/OFBizBasicProductionSetup.pdf
${ofbiz insall dir}/base/config/cache.properties
Fresh from SVN, this file is configured to be development friendly to reload
resources frequently. For production use the expire times for the caches in the last
section of the file should all be commented out by putting a pound sign “#” at the
beginning of each line. The properties in question start with “minilang.”, “script.”,
“webapp.”, “widget.” And “template.”.

Users mailing list
[hidden email]

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - OFBIZ Cache Tuning in base/config/cache.properties

26 posts

Nobody with time to discuss this issue and share info?

By the way we tuned the maxsize to high for a entity and had a out of memory error after 5 hours. :-)
Is there a good rule of thumb to calculate cache sizing?


[hidden email] wrote on 17.10.2005 11:42:35:

> Hi again on this issue,
> I reseached over the available documentation again (last time in
> march 2005 ) but didnt find any news. So this is another attemp to
> get a better understanding.
> Existing Info I found:
> Wiki: http://ofbizwiki1.go-integral.com/Wiki.jsp?page=CacheSettings
> ProductionSetupguide: http://www.undersunconsulting.
> com/static/OFBizBasicProductionSetup.pdf
> There is not much detail in those documents. They both pretty much
> say: Do it in the cache.properties :-)
> I think all ofbiz admins need more detail on it. Thats why I specify
> the questions more detailed and would appreceate if anybody would
> post a example fine-tuned cache.properties file
> All Feedback and hints will be compiled by me and added to the wiki/faq
> So here are my questions
> 1. Question: What is the Flag "useSoftreference" for? What does true
> and false do?
> 2. Question: What unit is "maxSize" and what if it is left empty in
> the cache.propery?
> 3.Question: What exactly do the per-delegator Entity Engine cache settings
> tune?
> #Examples for per-delegator Entity Engine cache settings
> #entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceRule.expireTime=0
> #entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceRule.useSoftReference=true
> 4. On the Cache Maintenance Page I finde entriey like "entitycache.
> entity.default.XXXX" and "entitycache.entity-list.default.XXXXX".
> What is the difference betwen those?
> And why is there no entry in the cache.properties for entitycache.
> entity.default.XXXX entries?
> Where do I create those entitycache.entity.default.XXXX entries
> 5. Questions regarding the Cache Maintenance Page
> I cleared the cache and afterwards I montitored the caches (I hope
> the formating with tabs is visibel too you)
> Cache Name size hitCount missCount maxSize expireTime useSoftRef?
> a) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductCategoryMember 9,822 7,992
> 54,072 20,000 86,400,000 true
> b) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceAction 52 2,180 2,736
> 3,000 86,400,000 true
> c) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceCond 109 56,733 59,
> 239 70,000 86,400,000 true
> On a) With cache the missCount was allmost emmidiatly at 54000 the
> hitCount and size slowly crow. My question now is: Why isnt the size
> 20000 after 54000 misses? TheProdukctCategoryMember is ideal for caching.
> On b and c) since cache clearing the cachehit count is growing
> almost linear with the misscount! Why? Those tables are suppossed to
> be queried every almost every shop hit and the tables are static! So
> I would expect the missCount to be growing very slowly and the
> hitCount to grow very fast.
> 6. Qustion: What other tuning for the cache.properties tips are there?
> Answer from http://www.undersunconsulting.
> com/static/OFBizBasicProductionSetup.pdf
> ${ofbiz insall dir}/base/config/cache.properties
> Fresh from SVN, this file is configured to be development friendly to reload
> resources frequently. For production use the expire times for the
> caches in the last
> section of the file should all be commented out by putting a pound
> sign “#” at the
> beginning of each line. The properties in question start with
> “minilang.”, “script.”,
> “webapp.”, “widget.” And “template.”.
> Bye
> Michael
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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RE: [OFBiz] Users - OFBIZ Cache Tuning in base/config/cache.properties

Firas A.-2
35 posts
In reply to this post by MPF-2
Better late than never. Answers to some of your questions. I'm too is
interested in more info on this subject.

Q1: What is the Flag "useSoftreference" for?
A1: The useSoftReference property is used to specify whether soft references
should be used for cache entries. Soft references help keep large caches
from taking
too much memory by allowing the garbage collector to clear these entries
when more memory is needed. Possible values: true/false.

Q2: Question: What unit is "maxSize"...?
A2: Specifies the maximum number of entries in the cache.




From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of [hidden email]
Sent: den 17 oktober 2005 11:43
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - OFBIZ Cache Tuning in base/config/cache.properties

Hi again on this issue,

I reseached over the available documentation again (last time in march 2005
) but didnt find any news. So this is another attemp to get a better

Existing Info I found:
Wiki: http://ofbizwiki1.go-integral.com/Wiki.jsp?page=CacheSettings

There is not much detail in those documents. They both pretty much say: Do
it in the cache.properties :-)

I think all ofbiz admins need more detail on it. Thats why I specify the
questions more detailed and would appreceate if anybody would post a example
fine-tuned cache.properties file

All Feedback and hints will be compiled by me and added to the wiki/faq

So here are my questions
1. Question: What is the Flag "useSoftreference" for? What does true and
false do?
2. Question: What unit is "maxSize" and what if it is left empty in the

3.Question: What exactly do the per-delegator Entity Engine cache settings
#Examples for per-delegator Entity Engine cache settings

4. On the Cache Maintenance Page I finde entriey like
"entitycache.entity.default.XXXX" and
"entitycache.entity-list.default.XXXXX". What is the difference betwen
And why is there no entry in the cache.properties for
entitycache.entity.default.XXXX entries?
Where do I create those entitycache.entity.default.XXXX entries
5. Questions regarding the Cache Maintenance Page
I cleared the cache and afterwards I montitored the caches (I hope the
formating with tabs is visibel too you)

Cache Name size hitCount missCount maxSize expireTime useSoftRef?
a) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductCategoryMember 9,822 7,992 54,072
20,000 86,400,000 true
b) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceAction 52 2,180 2,736 3,000
86,400,000 true
c) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceCond 109 56,733 59,239 70,000
86,400,000 true

On a) With cache the missCount was allmost emmidiatly at 54000 the hitCount
and size slowly crow. My question now is: Why isnt the size 20000 after
54000 misses? TheProdukctCategoryMember is ideal for caching.
On b and c) since cache clearing the cachehit count is growing almost linear
with the misscount! Why? Those tables are suppossed to be queried every
almost every shop hit and the tables are static! So I would expect the
missCount to be growing very slowly and the hitCount to grow very fast.

6. Qustion: What other tuning for the cache.properties tips are there?
Answer from
${ofbiz insall dir}/base/config/cache.properties
Fresh from SVN, this file is configured to be development friendly to reload
resources frequently. For production use the expire times for the caches in
the last
section of the file should all be commented out by putting a pound sign "#"
at the
beginning of each line. The properties in question start with "minilang.",
"webapp.", "widget." And "template.".


Users mailing list
[hidden email]
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RE: [OFBiz] Users - OFBIZ Cache Tuning in base/config/cache.properties

26 posts

All interested

Firas, thanks for your feedback. Thought Im the only one interested.

>> Q1: What is the Flag "useSoftreference" for?
> A1: The useSoftReference property is used to specify whether soft references
> should be used for cache entries. Soft references help keep large caches
> from taking too much memory by allowing the garbage collector to clear these entries
> when more memory is needed. Possible values: true/false.

Summery: It is recommended to set useSoftreference = "true" for larger caches.

Would anybody with a large site posts his optimzed cache.properies file here?
I have only the default one with the recommendations from the BasicProductionSetupGuide implemented.

What other tunings do you do?

mit freundlichen Grüssen/ Kind regards / muchos saludos
Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. Michael Pfurtscheller
zentric  GmbH & Co. KG
mobil: +49-172-5457143
fon: +49-6101-556060
fax: +49-6101-556065
icq# 8724822
mailto:[hidden email]

[hidden email] wrote on 21.10.2005 13:06:18:

> Hi,
> Better late than never. Answers to some of your questions. I'm too is
> interested in more info on this subject.
> Q1: What is the Flag "useSoftreference" for?
> A1: The useSoftReference property is used to specify whether soft references
> should be used for cache entries. Soft references help keep large caches
> from taking too much memory by allowing the garbage collector to clear these entries
> when more memory is needed. Possible values: true/false.

> Q2: Question: What unit is "maxSize"...?
> A2: Specifies the maximum number of entries in the cache.
> Regards,
> </Firas>
> ________________________________
> From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
> On Behalf Of [hidden email]
> Sent: den 17 oktober 2005 11:43
> To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - OFBIZ Cache Tuning in base/config/cache.properties
> Hi again on this issue,
> I reseached over the available documentation again (last time in march 2005
> ) but didnt find any news. So this is another attemp to get a better
> understanding.
> Existing Info I found:
> Wiki: http://ofbizwiki1.go-integral.com/Wiki.jsp?page=CacheSettings
> ProductionSetupguide:
> http://www.undersunconsulting.com/static/OFBizBasicProductionSetup.pdf
> There is not much detail in those documents. They both pretty much say: Do
> it in the cache.properties :-)
> I think all ofbiz admins need more detail on it. Thats why I specify the
> questions more detailed and would appreceate if anybody would post a example
> fine-tuned cache.properties file
> All Feedback and hints will be compiled by me and added to the wiki/faq
> So here are my questions
> 1. Question: What is the Flag "useSoftreference" for? What does true and
> false do?
> 2. Question: What unit is "maxSize" and what if it is left empty in the
> cache.propery?
> 3.Question: What exactly do the per-delegator Entity Engine cache settings
> tune?
> #Examples for per-delegator Entity Engine cache settings
> #entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceRule.expireTime=0
> #entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceRule.useSoftReference=true
> 4. On the Cache Maintenance Page I finde entriey like
> "entitycache.entity.default.XXXX" and
> "entitycache.entity-list.default.XXXXX". What is the difference betwen
> those?
> And why is there no entry in the cache.properties for
> entitycache.entity.default.XXXX entries?
> Where do I create those entitycache.entity.default.XXXX entries
> 5. Questions regarding the Cache Maintenance Page
> I cleared the cache and afterwards I montitored the caches (I hope the
> formating with tabs is visibel too you)
> Cache Name size hitCount missCount maxSize expireTime useSoftRef?
> a) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductCategoryMember 9,822 7,992 54,072
> 20,000 86,400,000 true
> b) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceAction 52 2,180 2,736 3,000
> 86,400,000 true
> c) entitycache.entity-list.default.ProductPriceCond 109 56,733 59,239 70,000
> 86,400,000 true
> On a) With cache the missCount was allmost emmidiatly at 54000 the hitCount
> and size slowly crow. My question now is: Why isnt the size 20000 after
> 54000 misses? TheProdukctCategoryMember is ideal for caching.
> On b and c) since cache clearing the cachehit count is growing almost linear
> with the misscount! Why? Those tables are suppossed to be queried every
> almost every shop hit and the tables are static! So I would expect the
> missCount to be growing very slowly and the hitCount to grow very fast.
> 6. Qustion: What other tuning for the cache.properties tips are there?
> Answer from
> http://www.undersunconsulting.com/static/OFBizBasicProductionSetup.pdf
> ${ofbiz insall dir}/base/config/cache.properties
> Fresh from SVN, this file is configured to be development friendly to reload
> resources frequently. For production use the expire times for the caches in
> the last
> section of the file should all be commented out by putting a pound sign "#"
> at the
> beginning of each line. The properties in question start with "minilang.",
> "script.",
> "webapp.", "widget." And "template.".
> Bye
> Michael
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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[hidden email]