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[OFBiz] Users - Performance issue with MaxDB

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[OFBiz] Users - Performance issue with MaxDB

Jacopo Cappellato
1743 posts
Hi all,

I have a client that is testing OFBiz with MaxDB. They are experiencing
very low performance; for example when they perform a lookup search in
the Product table the system hangs up (the whole system... not only OFBiz).

They are running one of the latest SVN OFBiz versions; the db is rather
big (they have about 200,000 products) but only few users connected (<
5); the server is a new host with good RAM/processor.

I know this is a rather generic report (and maybe it is an off-topic for
this list) but before I spend too much time gathering information trying
to understand the source of the problem, I'd like to hear if someone
using MaxDB had similar problems.

Thanks for your time,

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Performance issue with MaxDB

David E. Jones
1146 posts


It's been a long time since I've worked on a MaxDB based setup. In  
general I'd recommend Postgres, or even a recent version of MySQL,  
over MaxDB. The main reason is that MaxDB is not being pushed much  
and support and such for it may be difficult to find and lower  
quality. MySQL basically wanted the database so they could pull the  
pieces they wanted from it and then toss it. The result of that is  
the MySQL 5 series.

I do remember some things about this, like it being very important to  
have lots of temporary space, especially for large transactions, and  
that had an impact on performance. There are a bunch of other things  
that have an impact on performance in the database, but I really  
don't remember them very well. The MaxDB web site might be the best  
source of tuning information.


On Oct 22, 2005, at 9:15 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a client that is testing OFBiz with MaxDB. They are  
> experiencing very low performance; for example when they perform a  
> lookup search in the Product table the system hangs up (the whole  
> system... not only OFBiz).
> They are running one of the latest SVN OFBiz versions; the db is  
> rather big (they have about 200,000 products) but only few users  
> connected (< 5); the server is a new host with good RAM/processor.
> I know this is a rather generic report (and maybe it is an off-
> topic for this list) but before I spend too much time gathering  
> information trying to understand the source of the problem, I'd  
> like to hear if someone using MaxDB had similar problems.
> Thanks for your time,
> Jacopo
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