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[OFBiz] Users - Re: POS: pos_terminal_state vs. pos_state_pos

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[OFBiz] Users - Re: POS: pos_terminal_state vs. pos_state_pos

1141 posts
I'm guessing you're missing a record for "pos-1" in
the PosTerminal table.  If this record were missing
the Entity Engine would throw an error when trying
validating the foreign key relationship.

Once upon a time (Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 01:26:21AM
-0600 to be precise),
the illustrious Gordon B Lugauer said:

> Ok, you all must be getting sick of me, because even
*I* am starting
> to get sick of me.
> Now, java -jar ofbiz.jar -pos runs.  The glorious
POS screen
> appears, and it even looks like it does with the
demo data.
> I create a userid/password for the admin user so I
can log in.
> Life seems so promising.
> Then, when I try to open the terminal, the following
error appears
> (ok, in the midst of a whole bunch of other
ugliness, but this
> seems the salient part):
> ERROR: insert or update on table
"pos_terminal_state" violates foreign key constraint
> Seems like a disagreement in the schema somewhere,
but I can't seem

> to find out where to smooth it out.
> Pointers?
> Thanks much,
> --
> -Gordon B Lugauer
> BadgerClaw, llc
> All things Unix         All things IP
> gbl at claw.net e          414-273-6666 v        
262-364-2929 f
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: POS: pos_terminal_state vs. pos_state_pos

Gordon B Lugauer
13 posts
Once upon a time (Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 03:06:01PM -0800 to be precise),
the illustrious Chris Howe said:

> I'm guessing you're missing a record for "pos-1" in
> the PosTerminal table.  If this record were missing
> the Entity Engine would throw an error when trying
> validating the foreign key relationship.

Yup, that was it.  Thanks.

For those following along at home:

To fix this error:

    Webtools->Entity Data Maintenance->PosTerminal:All->View->Edit Facility


Here, create pos-1 because that is what is defined in ...
base/config/pos-containers.xml perhaps?

Naturally, this only leads to a new problem.  Now, when I enter
a product by sku, I get an error saying that the price cannot be
calculated.  I am guessing that building a pos store from scratch
is not the best way to go about it, at least for those of us new
to ofbiz.  Is there a preferred, even barely documented, method?

Thanks again,

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: POS: pos_terminal_state vs. pos_state_pos

David E. Jones
1146 posts

The preferred, and thoroughly un-documented, method is to start with  
the demo data files and customize them to your needs. These XML files  
can be found in the "data" directory of each component. For the POS  
stuff there are various files in the applications/pos/data and  
applications/ecommerce/data directories that apply (mostly the pos  
component of course).

This is actually true of many of the more esoteric parts of OFBiz.  
The reason is that about 80% of the business level functionality in  
OFBiz comes from contracts, and sometimes they just need tools that  
do certain things and fancy admin applications aren't part of the  
deal, and also not something whoever is serving the contract can  
afford to create at the time...


On Nov 10, 2005, at 11:00 PM, Gordon B Lugauer wrote:

> Once upon a time (Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 03:06:01PM -0800 to be  
> precise),
> the illustrious Chris Howe said:
>> I'm guessing you're missing a record for "pos-1" in
>> the PosTerminal table.  If this record were missing
>> the Entity Engine would throw an error when trying
>> validating the foreign key relationship.
> Yup, that was it.  Thanks.
> For those following along at home:
> To fix this error:
>     Webtools->Entity Data Maintenance->PosTerminal:All->View->Edit  
> Facility
>     https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/FindGeneric?
> entityName=PosTerminal&find=true&VIEW_SIZE=50&VIEW_INDEX=0
> Here, create pos-1 because that is what is defined in ...
> base/config/pos-containers.xml perhaps?
> Naturally, this only leads to a new problem.  Now, when I enter
> a product by sku, I get an error saying that the price cannot be
> calculated.  I am guessing that building a pos store from scratch
> is not the best way to go about it, at least for those of us new
> to ofbiz.  Is there a preferred, even barely documented, method?
> Thanks again,
> -G
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