[OFBiz] Users - Re: Re: emails not sent and not rescheduled

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[OFBiz] Users - Re: Re: emails not sent and not rescheduled

Jan Krueger

The thread, which is sending the email (connecting to the SMTP Server) does
not return from the trans.connect() method.
To avoid emails not being send, I'd like to monitor/watch the thread which
is responsible for sending (and restart it, if necessary).

But where is the start of this? where is the thread created?
Or is there an easier way, e.g. using a predefined timeout for a thread?

Any help appreciated,

> --- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
> Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 12:24:15 +0200 (MEST)
> From: "Jan Krueger" <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Re: Re: emails not sent and not rescheduled
> To: [hidden email]
> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Hi David, everybody,
> I added the debug messages and had the error again.
> The problem occurs in the following snippet(from
> org.ofbiz.content.email.EmailServices.sendMail()):
> ...
> Debug.logInfo("connecting email...", module);
> if (!useSmtpAuth) {
>     trans.connect();
> } else {
>     trans.connect(sendVia, authUser, authPass);
> }
> Debug.logInfo("sending email...", module);
> ...
> The log has the "connecting email..." entry and then nothing more.
> As I said, this doesn't happen always. Anybody knows, why there's
> sometimes
> no connection possible?
> If I have to live with this problem, can someone pls. give me an idea on
> how
> to reschedule the Job and mark the first one as done?
> Thanks a lot,
> Jan
> > So, this only happens sometimes, or it is always happening? You say  
> > it can't be reproduced, so I'm guessing just sometimes and in most  
> > cases it is successful... Email things are hard to trace down. You  
> > could add more debug logging messages to the email code to make sure  
> > the message is getting generated properly and to show more of the  
> > response from the server, thought is _should_ show error messages  
> > right now if the server communication fails. The next step is to  
> > check on the SMTP server and see if the message made it to and  
> > through it. A high system load shouldn't cause problems for OFBiz,  
> > unless the STMP communications time out or something, but there  
> > should be exceptions thrown for that....
> >
> > -David
> On Aug 4, 2005, at 2:26 AM, Jan Krueger wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > We created our own ecommerce part in the ofbiz (called eportal).
> > Within this, we have an emailing functionality which schedules the  
> > sending
> > of an email (<i>dispatcher.runSync("sendGenericNotificationEmail",
> > mailData);</i>).
> > We often use this to send a notification to an employee and a  
> > confirmation
> > to a customer right after another.
> >
> > Now sometimes one of the emails is not sent.
> > According to the logfile,
> > <li>the email is scheduled (<i>04 Aug 2005 09:27:56,071 INFO
> > GenericAsyncEngine [PoolThread-2][]: Persisted job queued :
> > 1123140476061</i>), <li>and then sent (<i>04 Aug 2005 09:28:05,905  
> > INFO
> > PersistedServiceJob [Thread-11][]:
> > org.ofbiz.service.job.PersistedServiceJob@ba0dfc -- Next runtime:  
> > -1</i>)
> > - but it is not sent! And it is not rescheduled.
> > In the JobList, this emailjob is shown with the correct start time,  
> > but no
> > finish time.
> >
> > As far as I understood the problem, the job is scheduled and runs  
> > without
> > errormessage, therefore no rescheduling. But for some reason, the  
> > email is
> > not sent.
> >
> > Unfortunately, this error can not be reproduced.
> > The PC we use is very busy (approx. 90% load). Can this be a reason?
> >
> > Desperate Regards,
> > Jan
> >
> > PS: Environment: OS: Windows 2000, Ofbiz version from March 2004
> >
> --

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