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Souvik Saha Bhowmik
27 posts

I downloaded the new version yesterday...But it didn't solve my
problem ..rather complicated it....I was not able to log in to my
application through any user id and password that I created.. The user
ids were provided with sufficient security permissions....and the
error message was "password incorrect". though I found out the
password existed in the userLogin entity with the corrosponding

Regarding the older version(5021) I found out the cause of my
problem....I was using the logout event  of Ofbiz.....The logout
eventually calls the LogoutWorker..which while logging out extracts
the userLogin information from session and updates the userLogin
entity with the hasLogged out field information.....And hence though
the password was changed in the entity(UserLogin) it again got updated
with the older password.This is becuse the UserLogin information in
session had the older password. This seems to be a bug because the
entire information should not be updated and only the hasLoggedOut
field should be updated. Otherwise no logged in user could change his
password. Precisely , he can change but it reverts back while logging
out. However I used the <befor logout> tag to invoke an event which
updates the session with the new UserLogin information. the
changePassword feature in my case was implemented using a service and
so I could not update the session with the new userLogin while
changing password.....

However I shall be obliged if you look into the behaviour of new Ofbiz
 that I noticed and get back to me......Its very urgent for Ofbiz
users like us

On 10/18/05, David E. Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Based on this I couldn't really say what is going wrong. If you are
> using an older version of OFBiz you might be running into a cache
> problem, but I'm not aware of anything like this that is an
> outstanding issue right now.
> If you can reproduce the problem in the current code base let me know
> what you did to make it happen and I'll look into it...
> -David
> On Oct 18, 2005, at 6:53 AM, Souvik Saha Bhowmik wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I have built an application using the Ofbiz framework and has made
> > full use of the Security system..I am using the framework provided
> > login and logout services
> > In my application there is a customer side and an admin side....
> > I have provided the customer with a feature to change password after
> > logging in. In that case I find that though the new password is
> > updated in the Userlogin entity its not effecting the
> > application...Whil;e trying to log in with his new password the
> > customer is getting error of Incorrecvt password. But he is able to
> > log in with his old password. The strangest thing is that the
> > Userlogin entity has the new password and not the old one......is the
> > password also stored some where else....I have not used any
> > encryption....
> > there are more strange observations .......
> > When the admin tries to change the customers password the change is
> > effected if the user is not logged in at that moment...Even if he is
> > logged in he the UserLo0gin entity gets updated with new password but
> > it does not effect the customer's security settings. I mean later when
> > the customer tries to log in with his new password he fails but is
> > allowed the same with his old password.....
> > But when an admin changes the password of a customer who in not logged
> > in the change effects his security settings...The behaviour is as
> > expected...He can log in with his new password and not the old......
> > If I provide the customer with a feature that he canchange his
> > password without logging in( where he has to provide his userloginId
> > also) the behaviousr is as expected.....He can log in with his new
> > password and not his old one......
> >
> > FYI I am using a minilang(simple) service to change the password and
> > update the UserLogin entity....It uses the "store" tag of minilang
> >
> > Can someone please explain this wierd behaviour and its remedy.....any
> > suggerstion will be of gr8 help and I shall be highly obliged
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Users mailing list
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> >
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David E. Jones
1146 posts

Could you file a bug report for this?


On Oct 20, 2005, at 8:10 AM, Souvik Saha Bhowmik wrote:

> Hi
> I downloaded the new version yesterday...But it didn't solve my
> problem ..rather complicated it....I was not able to log in to my
> application through any user id and password that I created.. The user
> ids were provided with sufficient security permissions....and the
> error message was "password incorrect". though I found out the
> password existed in the userLogin entity with the corrosponding
> userLoginId...
> Regarding the older version(5021) I found out the cause of my
> problem....I was using the logout event  of Ofbiz.....The logout
> eventually calls the LogoutWorker..which while logging out extracts
> the userLogin information from session and updates the userLogin
> entity with the hasLogged out field information.....And hence though
> the password was changed in the entity(UserLogin) it again got updated
> with the older password.This is becuse the UserLogin information in
> session had the older password. This seems to be a bug because the
> entire information should not be updated and only the hasLoggedOut
> field should be updated. Otherwise no logged in user could change his
> password. Precisely , he can change but it reverts back while logging
> out. However I used the <befor logout> tag to invoke an event which
> updates the session with the new UserLogin information. the
> changePassword feature in my case was implemented using a service and
> so I could not update the session with the new userLogin while
> changing password.....
> However I shall be obliged if you look into the behaviour of new Ofbiz
>  that I noticed and get back to me......Its very urgent for Ofbiz
> users like us
> Thanx
> Souvik
> On 10/18/05, David E. Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Based on this I couldn't really say what is going wrong. If you are
>> using an older version of OFBiz you might be running into a cache
>> problem, but I'm not aware of anything like this that is an
>> outstanding issue right now.
>> If you can reproduce the problem in the current code base let me know
>> what you did to make it happen and I'll look into it...
>> -David
>> On Oct 18, 2005, at 6:53 AM, Souvik Saha Bhowmik wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have built an application using the Ofbiz framework and has made
>>> full use of the Security system..I am using the framework provided
>>> login and logout services
>>> In my application there is a customer side and an admin side....
>>> I have provided the customer with a feature to change password after
>>> logging in. In that case I find that though the new password is
>>> updated in the Userlogin entity its not effecting the
>>> application...Whil;e trying to log in with his new password the
>>> customer is getting error of Incorrecvt password. But he is able to
>>> log in with his old password. The strangest thing is that the
>>> Userlogin entity has the new password and not the old one......is  
>>> the
>>> password also stored some where else....I have not used any
>>> encryption....
>>> there are more strange observations .......
>>> When the admin tries to change the customers password the change is
>>> effected if the user is not logged in at that moment...Even if he is
>>> logged in he the UserLo0gin entity gets updated with new password  
>>> but
>>> it does not effect the customer's security settings. I mean later  
>>> when
>>> the customer tries to log in with his new password he fails but is
>>> allowed the same with his old password.....
>>> But when an admin changes the password of a customer who in not  
>>> logged
>>> in the change effects his security settings...The behaviour is as
>>> expected...He can log in with his new password and not the old......
>>> If I provide the customer with a feature that he canchange his
>>> password without logging in( where he has to provide his userloginId
>>> also) the behaviousr is as expected.....He can log in with his new
>>> password and not his old one......
>>> FYI I am using a minilang(simple) service to change the password and
>>> update the UserLogin entity....It uses the "store" tag of minilang
>>> Can someone please explain this wierd behaviour and its  
>>> remedy.....any
>>> suggerstion will be of gr8 help and I shall be highly obliged
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Users mailing list
>>> [hidden email]
>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> _______________________________________________
>> Users mailing list
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Souvik Saha Bhowmik
27 posts
Can You please tell me where and how to file the BUG report?

On 10/20/05, David E. Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Could you file a bug report for this?
> -David
> On Oct 20, 2005, at 8:10 AM, Souvik Saha Bhowmik wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > I downloaded the new version yesterday...But it didn't solve my
> > problem ..rather complicated it....I was not able to log in to my
> > application through any user id and password that I created.. The user
> > ids were provided with sufficient security permissions....and the
> > error message was "password incorrect". though I found out the
> > password existed in the userLogin entity with the corrosponding
> > userLoginId...
> >
> > Regarding the older version(5021) I found out the cause of my
> > problem....I was using the logout event  of Ofbiz.....The logout
> > eventually calls the LogoutWorker..which while logging out extracts
> > the userLogin information from session and updates the userLogin
> > entity with the hasLogged out field information.....And hence though
> > the password was changed in the entity(UserLogin) it again got updated
> > with the older password.This is becuse the UserLogin information in
> > session had the older password. This seems to be a bug because the
> > entire information should not be updated and only the hasLoggedOut
> > field should be updated. Otherwise no logged in user could change his
> > password. Precisely , he can change but it reverts back while logging
> > out. However I used the <befor logout> tag to invoke an event which
> > updates the session with the new UserLogin information. the
> > changePassword feature in my case was implemented using a service and
> > so I could not update the session with the new userLogin while
> > changing password.....
> >
> > However I shall be obliged if you look into the behaviour of new Ofbiz
> >  that I noticed and get back to me......Its very urgent for Ofbiz
> > users like us
> > Thanx
> > Souvik
> >
> > On 10/18/05, David E. Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Based on this I couldn't really say what is going wrong. If you are
> >> using an older version of OFBiz you might be running into a cache
> >> problem, but I'm not aware of anything like this that is an
> >> outstanding issue right now.
> >>
> >> If you can reproduce the problem in the current code base let me know
> >> what you did to make it happen and I'll look into it...
> >>
> >> -David
> >>
> >>
> >> On Oct 18, 2005, at 6:53 AM, Souvik Saha Bhowmik wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>> Hi all,
> >>> I have built an application using the Ofbiz framework and has made
> >>> full use of the Security system..I am using the framework provided
> >>> login and logout services
> >>> In my application there is a customer side and an admin side....
> >>> I have provided the customer with a feature to change password after
> >>> logging in. In that case I find that though the new password is
> >>> updated in the Userlogin entity its not effecting the
> >>> application...Whil;e trying to log in with his new password the
> >>> customer is getting error of Incorrecvt password. But he is able to
> >>> log in with his old password. The strangest thing is that the
> >>> Userlogin entity has the new password and not the old one......is
> >>> the
> >>> password also stored some where else....I have not used any
> >>> encryption....
> >>> there are more strange observations .......
> >>> When the admin tries to change the customers password the change is
> >>> effected if the user is not logged in at that moment...Even if he is
> >>> logged in he the UserLo0gin entity gets updated with new password
> >>> but
> >>> it does not effect the customer's security settings. I mean later
> >>> when
> >>> the customer tries to log in with his new password he fails but is
> >>> allowed the same with his old password.....
> >>> But when an admin changes the password of a customer who in not
> >>> logged
> >>> in the change effects his security settings...The behaviour is as
> >>> expected...He can log in with his new password and not the old......
> >>> If I provide the customer with a feature that he canchange his
> >>> password without logging in( where he has to provide his userloginId
> >>> also) the behaviousr is as expected.....He can log in with his new
> >>> password and not his old one......
> >>>
> >>> FYI I am using a minilang(simple) service to change the password and
> >>> update the UserLogin entity....It uses the "store" tag of minilang
> >>>
> >>> Can someone please explain this wierd behaviour and its
> >>> remedy.....any
> >>> suggerstion will be of gr8 help and I shall be highly obliged
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Users mailing list
> >>> [hidden email]
> >>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Users mailing list
> >> [hidden email]
> >> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >>
> >>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Users mailing list
> > [hidden email]
> > http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> >
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David E. Jones
1146 posts

Just go to the issue tracker site at: http://jira.ofbiz.org

Create a new account and the for the OFBIZ project create a new  
issue... On that same site you can also see other outstanding issues,  
new features proposed and being worked on, and so forth.


On Oct 24, 2005, at 1:29 AM, Souvik Saha Bhowmik wrote:

> Can You please tell me where and how to file the BUG report?
> On 10/20/05, David E. Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Could you file a bug report for this?
>> -David
>> On Oct 20, 2005, at 8:10 AM, Souvik Saha Bhowmik wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I downloaded the new version yesterday...But it didn't solve my
>>> problem ..rather complicated it....I was not able to log in to my
>>> application through any user id and password that I created.. The  
>>> user
>>> ids were provided with sufficient security permissions....and the
>>> error message was "password incorrect". though I found out the
>>> password existed in the userLogin entity with the corrosponding
>>> userLoginId...
>>> Regarding the older version(5021) I found out the cause of my
>>> problem....I was using the logout event  of Ofbiz.....The logout
>>> eventually calls the LogoutWorker..which while logging out extracts
>>> the userLogin information from session and updates the userLogin
>>> entity with the hasLogged out field information.....And hence though
>>> the password was changed in the entity(UserLogin) it again got  
>>> updated
>>> with the older password.This is becuse the UserLogin information in
>>> session had the older password. This seems to be a bug because the
>>> entire information should not be updated and only the hasLoggedOut
>>> field should be updated. Otherwise no logged in user could change  
>>> his
>>> password. Precisely , he can change but it reverts back while  
>>> logging
>>> out. However I used the <befor logout> tag to invoke an event which
>>> updates the session with the new UserLogin information. the
>>> changePassword feature in my case was implemented using a service  
>>> and
>>> so I could not update the session with the new userLogin while
>>> changing password.....
>>> However I shall be obliged if you look into the behaviour of new  
>>> Ofbiz
>>>  that I noticed and get back to me......Its very urgent for Ofbiz
>>> users like us
>>> Thanx
>>> Souvik
>>> On 10/18/05, David E. Jones <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>>> Based on this I couldn't really say what is going wrong. If you are
>>>> using an older version of OFBiz you might be running into a cache
>>>> problem, but I'm not aware of anything like this that is an
>>>> outstanding issue right now.
>>>> If you can reproduce the problem in the current code base let me  
>>>> know
>>>> what you did to make it happen and I'll look into it...
>>>> -David
>>>> On Oct 18, 2005, at 6:53 AM, Souvik Saha Bhowmik wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I have built an application using the Ofbiz framework and has made
>>>>> full use of the Security system..I am using the framework provided
>>>>> login and logout services
>>>>> In my application there is a customer side and an admin side....
>>>>> I have provided the customer with a feature to change password  
>>>>> after
>>>>> logging in. In that case I find that though the new password is
>>>>> updated in the Userlogin entity its not effecting the
>>>>> application...Whil;e trying to log in with his new password the
>>>>> customer is getting error of Incorrecvt password. But he is  
>>>>> able to
>>>>> log in with his old password. The strangest thing is that the
>>>>> Userlogin entity has the new password and not the old one......is
>>>>> the
>>>>> password also stored some where else....I have not used any
>>>>> encryption....
>>>>> there are more strange observations .......
>>>>> When the admin tries to change the customers password the  
>>>>> change is
>>>>> effected if the user is not logged in at that moment...Even if  
>>>>> he is
>>>>> logged in he the UserLo0gin entity gets updated with new password
>>>>> but
>>>>> it does not effect the customer's security settings. I mean later
>>>>> when
>>>>> the customer tries to log in with his new password he fails but is
>>>>> allowed the same with his old password.....
>>>>> But when an admin changes the password of a customer who in not
>>>>> logged
>>>>> in the change effects his security settings...The behaviour is as
>>>>> expected...He can log in with his new password and not the  
>>>>> old......
>>>>> If I provide the customer with a feature that he canchange his
>>>>> password without logging in( where he has to provide his  
>>>>> userloginId
>>>>> also) the behaviousr is as expected.....He can log in with his new
>>>>> password and not his old one......
>>>>> FYI I am using a minilang(simple) service to change the  
>>>>> password and
>>>>> update the UserLogin entity....It uses the "store" tag of minilang
>>>>> Can someone please explain this wierd behaviour and its
>>>>> remedy.....any
>>>>> suggerstion will be of gr8 help and I shall be highly obliged
>>>>> _______________________________________________
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>>>> _______________________________________________
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[OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

Andrew Sykes
619 posts
Can anyone tell me how well the entity sync stuff works from version

I would like to use this, but don't have the budget from the client to
upgrade to a more recent version.

Thanks in advance.
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

David E. Jones
1146 posts


The 3.0.0 release is quite old now and there wasn't much in the  
EntitySync at that point. There are a lot of things to address issues  
with foreign key problems, doing both push and pull of data for  
systems that are behind a NAT router (as opposed to only being able  
to push). You can use the EntitySync stuff, but you may run into  
certain problems in certain situations (beyond the simple scenarios  
we used it for originally) and that have been solved in the current  


On Oct 24, 2005, at 5:54 AM, Andrew Sykes wrote:

> Can anyone tell me how well the entity sync stuff works from version
> 3.0.
> I would like to use this, but don't have the budget from the client to
> upgrade to a more recent version.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
> Sykes Development Ltd
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

Andrew Sykes
619 posts

Thanks, that gives me a starting point. I may try to upgrade the entity
sync stuff on the old system unless you think there is any obvious
reasons that won't work.

One problem I can see is just figuring out which services complement
each other, i.e. if POS pushes, what service should receive the push on
the PSS.

If there's any information on this I'd be really grateful.

Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

Andrew Sykes
619 posts
In reply to this post by David E. Jones

I'm trying to add 2 datasources to a single delegator like so...

<delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main" entity-group-
reader="main" entity-eca-reader="main" distributed-cache-clear-
        <group-map group-name="org.ofbiz" datasource-
        <group-map group-name="com.other" datasource-

The two datasources seem to work fine independantly and the
entitymodel.xml and entitygroup.xml for com.other works fine if applied
to an separate delegator.

Is there something I'm missing here?

Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

Andrew Sykes
619 posts

There is actually nothing wrong with my config, this is another MySQL

I'll report this on jira later.

Sorry to waste your time.
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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[OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

Andrew Sykes
619 posts
In reply to this post by Andrew Sykes
Does anyone know.

Is it possible to sync view entities?

Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

David E. Jones
1146 posts

The EntitySync stuff explicitly excludes view entities when you  
specify and entity package name. If you specified the name of a view  
entity directly it might try, but even if it isn't now I think it  
should ignore them or show a warning in the log or something.

In general view entities are not safe for this as certain types of  
view entities cannot be changed in certain ways, ie insert, update,  
and/or delete due to insufficient information about member entities.

I'd just stick with plain/real entities...


On Oct 25, 2005, at 7:09 AM, Andrew Sykes wrote:

> Does anyone know.
> Is it possible to sync view entities?
> Kind Regards
> --
> Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
> Sykes Development Ltd
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

Andrew Sykes
619 posts

The idea is to use a view to translate one local entity to a more
standard remote entity.

This seems a really good solution to the problem rather than messing
around with XSL or similar.

Perhaps I'll hack this for my own use :-)

It might be nice to have some kind of translation view specifically for
this task. (view-type="translation")

What do you think? am I barking up the wrong tree? (Is that an
expression that translates across the pond?)

Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

Andrew Sykes
619 posts

I guess I could just use two entities mapped to a single table to
achieve this couldn't I?

Oh dear! you can guess what kind of day it's been here!

Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Entity Sync

David E. Jones
1146 posts
In reply to this post by Andrew Sykes

The EntitySync stuff is really not written for this sort of  
transformation right now, so it would require customization. How to  
do that is not an easy question...


On Oct 26, 2005, at 5:30 AM, Andrew Sykes wrote:

> David,
> The idea is to use a view to translate one local entity to a more
> standard remote entity.
> This seems a really good solution to the problem rather than messing
> around with XSL or similar.
> Perhaps I'll hack this for my own use :-)
> It might be nice to have some kind of translation view specifically  
> for
> this task. (view-type="translation")
> What do you think? am I barking up the wrong tree? (Is that an
> expression that translates across the pond?)
> Kind Regards
> --
> Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
> Sykes Development Ltd
> _______________________________________________
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