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[OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

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[OFBiz] Users - Re: would like to changethe, contentmanagementcomponent of OfBiz

Brad Plies
28 posts

Alfresco was very nice.  But one thing that I did not like is how it manages images.  In Alfresco, an image is treated as a simple piece of content with no special treatment or anything.  I prefer the way OpenCMS allows you to store images, text, and links into "Galleries" wherefrom you can almost drag & drop them into your webpages with the WYSIWYG editor.    So far OpenCMS is the most powerful and attractive system I've seen.  It even has its own JSP taglib to ease integration as well as Controller logic (similar to Struts Action or Struts-Tiles Controller) which powers/prepares a piece of dynamic content (which you can place into the content gallery and subsequently also drag & drop into yet more complex content - perhaps a doorway into AJAX?).

For ecommerce oriented sites, I imagine a better image repository like that of OpenCMS would be needed in order to manage product images more effectively.  It is also much more extensible and has powerful API features.  Sadly, it would really be painful to reinvent/duplicate something of this sophistication within OFBIZ to avoid license incompatibility :(.   Is there another way?  

I am in agreement with you that RSS is a "nice to have feature" but should not be a requirement.  I am not convinced of RSS's immediate value to an enterprise other than being trendy.  Would a ecommerce site use that to insert special promotions into a viewers RSS reader?  I just don't know.  By the way, that's my idea :P, so use this content in this archive to torpedo any patent filing with prior art :).


>I've never seen Alfresco before, it is pretty damn good isn't it!
>I really like the desktop integration and version management. I'm
>downloading it now to have a look in a bit more detail.
>Of course the focus of what we've been looking at is templating and
>publishing websites, do you know anything about it's ability to do this
>kind of thing - I know it doesn't take much of a leap of imagination to
>see it in that role, but it would be nice to see a demo...

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