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[OFBiz] Users - Restricting access to ecommerce module ...

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[OFBiz] Users - Restricting access to ecommerce module ...

Ian Gilbert
59 posts
Hi list,

A potential customer wants to grant access to the ecommerce module only to
registered users.  This would work by a user purchasing a login and only
then being able to view the products available.  I am not sure how to
accomplish this.  I guess that we would make the 'login' widget the main
screen and change the ecommerce application to have the same
characteristics as the 'catalog' manager.  I am not sure what this would
involve atm.

Is this something that anyone else has investigated?  Can anyone spot any
obvious problems that might arise?

Thanks and very best wishes

Ian Gilbert

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Restricting access to ecommerce module ...

26 posts

Hello Ian,

we have done this. Its a B2B scenario.

The main part ist to modify the controller.xml to have allmost all (except the login ones) requests with auth=true


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Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. Michael Pfurtscheller
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[hidden email] wrote on 19.10.2005 21:32:13:

> Hi list,
> A potential customer wants to grant access to the ecommerce module only to
> registered users.  This would work by a user purchasing a login and only
> then being able to view the products available.  I am not sure how to
> accomplish this.  I guess that we would make the 'login' widget the main
> screen and change the ecommerce application to have the same
> characteristics as the 'catalog' manager.  I am not sure what this would
> involve atm.
> Is this something that anyone else has investigated?  Can anyone spot any
> obvious problems that might arise?
> Thanks and very best wishes
> Ian Gilbert
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