[OFBiz] Users - Soap response deserialization

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[OFBiz] Users - Soap response deserialization

Javrishvili, Giorgi (Key-Work)
Hi, guys!
After some fighting and help I made my SOAP service call.
Now I'm facing problem with Deserializing:

[2005-07-27 16:11:17,896]ERROR [      DeserializationContext:511] No deserializer for java.lang.Object
[2005-07-27 16:11:17,990]ERROR [                        Call:2404] Exception:
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Deserializing parameter 'returnMessage':  could not find deserializer for type {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/}string
        at org.apache.axis.message.RPCHandler.onStartChild(RPCHandler.java:273)
        at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.startElement(DeserializationContext.java:1031)
        at org.apache.axis.message.SAX2EventRecorder.replay(SAX2EventRecorder.java:165)
        at org.apache.axis.message.MessageElement.publishToHandler(MessageElement.java:1140)


This is a method that is called:

public static Map hello(DispatchContext ctx, Map context) {
  GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
        LocalDispatcher dispatcher = ctx.getDispatcher();
        String userName = (String)context.get("userName");
        Map result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
  Debug.logInfo("*************** "+userName+" says Hello, this is our first SOAP service in OFBiz", module);
  result.put(new String("returnMessage"), new String("*************** "+userName+" says Hello, this is our first SOAP service in OFBiz"));
  return result;

This is a java side problem - String is serializable. It seems there is no cast done - ofbiz tries to deserialize java.lang.Object.

I have found this http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ and there is something about serialization, but not sure that I understand...

Has anyone had such problem?

Thank you,


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