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[OFBiz] Users - Someone inquiring about OFBiz

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[OFBiz] Users - Someone inquiring about OFBiz

I had someone ask some questions about OFBiz and since I am not familiar
with these areas I would like to throw them out to the list and get some
help in answering them:

1)  What payment gateways does this support?  What about if I wish to  
process all my payments at a physical register w/in a store using a  
separate system already in place, but have OFBiz control inventory/

2)  Shared inventory:  Let's say I have 4 retail stores, all of which  
sell widgets.  If store a happens to run out of widget x, can I use  
OFBiz to view a real-time inventory of store b to see if I can send  my
customer to store b to pickup widget x?  Further, what network  
connections must exist to support this?  Can it be done w/out network  
connection to store b's database? (ie, does OFBiz have any way to do  
realtime 2 way synchronization of datastores in a hub and spoke  layout
so that my database in store a has all of store b's data as well?

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Someone inquiring about OFBiz

David E. Jones

On Aug 11, 2005, at 12:09 AM, Al Byers wrote:

> I had someone ask some questions about OFBiz and since I am not  
> familiar with these areas I would like to throw them out to the  
> list and get some help in answering them:
> 1)  What payment gateways does this support?  What about if I wish  
> to  process all my payments at a physical register w/in a store  
> using a  separate system already in place, but have OFBiz control  
> inventory/ accounting?

There is a services_*.xml file in the accounting component for each  
currently supported payment processor, which right now includes:  
clearcommerce, cybersource, pccharge, rita, verisign.

To handle payments externally you'd have to use the payment entry  
stuff that is to some extent already in the accounting manager, but  
is being extended right now in the accounting extension component.

> 2)  Shared inventory:  Let's say I have 4 retail stores, all of  
> which  sell widgets.  If store a happens to run out of widget x,  
> can I use  OFBiz to view a real-time inventory of store b to see if  
> I can send  my customer to store b to pickup widget x?  Further,  
> what network  connections must exist to support this?  Can it be  
> done w/out network  connection to store b's database? (ie, does  
> OFBiz have any way to do  realtime 2 way synchronization of  
> datastores in a hub and spoke  layout so that my database in store  
> a has all of store b's data as well?

Yes, this sort of data synchronization is possible and done through  
the EntitySync stuff. You can see the example configuration settings  
in the PosSyncSettings.xml file (in applications/pos/data). And yes,  
this can be done syncing through a central server and even over  
unreliable connections with good recovery. The stores don't have to  
be able to communicate with eachother, much easier if they don't  


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