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[OFBiz] Users - TO DAVID --- Online Documentation

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[OFBiz] Users - TO DAVID --- Online Documentation

Vinicius Nadai
26 posts

The online documents in the site Undersun is incomplete. For example: Create Employer. And others.

I very need to know all about the Security.

My problem: I am giving the permisson CATALOG_ADM to a one User and when he to do the Login is displayed a message: This user not permission to the application.

I would like to know too all about Multi Company in The OFBIZ and I buied the document for this.


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Re: [OFBiz] Users - TO DAVID --- Online Documentation >>>waiting

Vinicius Nadai
26 posts
David, I am waiting your anwser

Vinicius Nadai wrote:

The online documents in the site Undersun is incomplete. For example: Create Employer. And others.

I very need to know all about the Security.

My problem: I am giving the permisson CATALOG_ADM to a one User and when he to do the Login is displayed a message: This user not permission to the application.

I would like to know too all about Multi Company in The OFBIZ and I buied the document for this.


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Re: [OFBiz] Users - TO DAVID --- Online Documentation >>>waiting

David E. Jones
1146 posts


Please don't take this personally, but I don't respond well to  
pressure and manipulation.

The documentation site is what it is and while we try to put  
information in there that is as useful as possible to the widest  
audience possible, with the scope of OFBiz and all of the possible  
ways to use the system it is hard to predict what people might want  
to do with it.

So, I appreciate your feedback and hopefully with more information  
about your needs we can help you out. In that light the OFBiz Users  
mailing list (which has nothing to do with Undersun or the Undersun  
Online Documentation) happens to be a great place to discuss this.

In other words, I'm not sure if documentation will meet your needs.  
It sounds like what you need is analysis, and $4.95 worth of  
discounted documentation (even if purchased multiple times by  
different people in the same company) probably won't meet your needs.

You mention you'd like to know about Multi Company in OFBiz, what  
exactly do you mean by that?

On the question about the permission, this might have just been a  
typo in the email but the permission should be "CATALOG_ADMIN" and  


On Oct 6, 2005, at 10:58 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:

> David, I am waiting your anwser
> Vinicius Nadai wrote:
>> David,
>> The online documents in the site Undersun is incomplete. For  
>> example: Create Employer. And others.
>> I very need to know all about the Security.
>> My problem: I am giving the permisson CATALOG_ADM to a one User  
>> and when he to do the Login is displayed a message: This user not  
>> permission to the application.
>> I would like to know too all about Multi Company in The OFBIZ and  
>> I buied the document for this.
>> Thanks
>> _______________________________________________ Users mailing list  
>> [hidden email] http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - TO DAVID --- Online Documentation >>>waiting

Vinicius Nadai
26 posts
Hi David,

Thanks for answer,

My problem is to run OFBIZ to Varios Companies and each Companies to haver various employees.
I dont found this in any place . So, I buied your online documentation, but don't found too.

Can you help me??


David E. Jones wrote:


Please don't take this personally, but I don't respond well to  pressure and manipulation.

The documentation site is what it is and while we try to put  information in there that is as useful as possible to the widest  audience possible, with the scope of OFBiz and all of the possible  ways to use the system it is hard to predict what people might want  to do with it.

So, I appreciate your feedback and hopefully with more information  about your needs we can help you out. In that light the OFBiz Users  mailing list (which has nothing to do with Undersun or the Undersun  Online Documentation) happens to be a great place to discuss this.

In other words, I'm not sure if documentation will meet your needs.  It sounds like what you need is analysis, and $4.95 worth of  discounted documentation (even if purchased multiple times by  different people in the same company) probably won't meet your needs.

You mention you'd like to know about Multi Company in OFBiz, what  exactly do you mean by that?

On the question about the permission, this might have just been a  typo in the email but the permission should be "CATALOG_ADMIN" and  not "CATALOG_ADM".


On Oct 6, 2005, at 10:58 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:

David, I am waiting your anwser

Vinicius Nadai wrote:

The online documents in the site Undersun is incomplete. For  example: Create Employer. And others.

I very need to know all about the Security.

My problem: I am giving the permisson CATALOG_ADM to a one User  and when he to do the Login is displayed a message: This user not  permission to the application.

I would like to know too all about Multi Company in The OFBIZ and  I buied the document for this.


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Re: [OFBiz] Users - TO DAVID --- Online Documentation >>>waiting

Florin T.PATRASCU (work)
29 posts
Hi there Vincius,

Please don't take it personally and please to not consider this message a lack of respect. 

My team approached OFBIZ after carefully observing the other options out there and we spent a great deal of time analyzing first the books (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?path=ASIN/0471380237&link_code=as2&camp=1789&tag=openforbusine-20&creative=9325) describing the domain model and far more than that. OFBiz is built on the model described by these books adapting it to the real world of Enterprise requirements.

Then, the next step was to seriously read the source code and understand how the things are done. The only *real* way in OpenSource. We didn't even considered the docs provided commercially. Those were bought *after* we were sure we understand what can be done with OFBiz .. code and implementation wise.

I see here you're going to take a big responsibility: "...run OFBIZ to Various Companies"

Vincius, if those companies will be your future clients, then the responsibility is huge and please be sure that you understand very good how ofbiz works; philosophy, existing features, customization and .. deployment. Omitted from this very short list of TODOs is: legacy systems integration and legacy data migration! Treat this aspect superficially and is enough to drag yourself into a technical conflict between old, legacy systems/datasets and OFBiz, if you are not prepared. Trust me, you can install OFBiz thousands of times but fail at the end if you're not prepared to import legacy data into the new system. How can you then be successful if you don't know the internal of OFBiz framework? This is Open Source, Vincius, and as an Open source member  myself, I am giving you a friendly advice: read first the books (links posted above) and then jump to the sources and stay there for 1-2 months! For God crying loud man, this is an ERP framework, not a tiny library. Test various hardware scenarios and stress test your mock deployments with data that simulates the approximative load of your customers. Be prepared for unexpected when you'll make plans to migrate data from the old systems to the OFBIZ domain model.

Reading all your postings on this mail list, and seeing the kind of troubles you have, I do believe that if you really need to implement something commercially and fast ... then you're maybe looking for professional support. This can be expensive .. but safe! I am sure that on this list there are professional and experienced users able to help you with this; don't worry, I am not one of them :) This is under no circumstances an advertising nor representing a niggardly personal interest, is a pure friendly advice. Take it or ignore it.

Everybody on this list will kindly help you if ... you can understand the kind of explanations you receive. A good advice is as good as its usage;)

Vincius, as yourself, I am an OFBIZ user and I am representing here the overall experience accumulated by my team and my own thoughts only. I am not affiliated with OFBIZ and I am not representing here the oppinions of my employer. All these words, I repeat, represent a friendly advice only. I hope you'll interpret it wisely.

Good luck Vincius and thank you LIST :) for supporting my 2 Canadian ;) cents opinion on this topic.


On Oct 7, 2005, at 11:13 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:

Hi David,

Thanks for answer,

My problem is to run OFBIZ to Varios Companies and each Companies to haver various employees.
I dont found this in any place . So, I buied your online documentation, but don't found too.

Can you help me??


David E. Jones wrote:


Please don't take this personally, but I don't respond well to  pressure and manipulation.

The documentation site is what it is and while we try to put  information in there that is as useful as possible to the widest  audience possible, with the scope of OFBiz and all of the possible  ways to use the system it is hard to predict what people might want  to do with it.

So, I appreciate your feedback and hopefully with more information  about your needs we can help you out. In that light the OFBiz Users  mailing list (which has nothing to do with Undersun or the Undersun  Online Documentation) happens to be a great place to discuss this.

In other words, I'm not sure if documentation will meet your needs.  It sounds like what you need is analysis, and $4.95 worth of  discounted documentation (even if purchased multiple times by  different people in the same company) probably won't meet your needs.

You mention you'd like to know about Multi Company in OFBiz, what  exactly do you mean by that?

On the question about the permission, this might have just been a  typo in the email but the permission should be "CATALOG_ADMIN" and  not "CATALOG_ADM".


On Oct 6, 2005, at 10:58 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:

David, I am waiting your anwser

Vinicius Nadai wrote:

The online documents in the site Undersun is incomplete. For  example: Create Employer. And others.

I very need to know all about the Security.

My problem: I am giving the permisson CATALOG_ADM to a one User  and when he to do the Login is displayed a message: This user not  permission to the application.

I would like to know too all about Multi Company in The OFBIZ and  I buied the document for this.


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Re: [OFBiz] Users - TO DAVID --- Online Documentation >>>waiting

David E. Jones
1146 posts
In reply to this post by Vinicius Nadai


Florin's reply to this message is a good one and I second his advice.

In general OFBiz is designed to run a single company, but it does  
support multiple organizations within that company without  
limitation. I personally don't like the single application and single  
database shared by dozens or hundreds of companies approach, and  
OFBiz isn't designed for that. I have heard from people who have done  
significant customization of OFBiz to try to offer this sort of  
shared application, but it is a REALLY hard sell and even huge  
companies like SalesForce.com and NetLedger (now owned by Oracle)  
have had to spend a LOT of money to _try_ to overcome the limitations  
of shared applications and convince companies that it will work okay  
for them.

So, I highly recommend running separate instances for different  
companies. This has been discussed a LOT on the mailing lists because  
a lot of people see this as a potential way to make a buck. It is  
possible, but just be careful, it is a huge nightmare to do it that  
way even with systems that are designed for it, and OFBiz is not, it  
is designed for customization in configuration files and not in the  

Our intention is to compete with ASPs that offer shared applications  
by offering dedication application instances and independent  
databases (though it is safe with most modern databases to run a  
single db server instance with multiple separate databases), and then  
they can have direct access (usually read-only) to their database for  
their own custom reports and such, and there isn't the same risk of  
someone accidently getting into their database because of an  
application bug... In general it also makes the software more  
flexible and simpler at the same time, making it easier to and  
cheaper to customize, making possible things that small companies  
could not otherwise do.

Okay, my thoughts on the topic again... I guess I should stop writing  
about this because a lot of this is probably a repeat of what has  
been said before...


On Oct 7, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:

> Hi David,
> Thanks for answer,
> My problem is to run OFBIZ to Varios Companies and each Companies  
> to haver various employees.
> I dont found this in any place . So, I buied your online  
> documentation, but don't found too.
> Can you help me??
> Vinicius
> David E. Jones wrote:
>> Vinicius,
>> Please don't take this personally, but I don't respond well to  
>> pressure and manipulation.
>> The documentation site is what it is and while we try to put  
>> information in there that is as useful as possible to the widest  
>> audience possible, with the scope of OFBiz and all of the  
>> possible  ways to use the system it is hard to predict what people  
>> might want  to do with it.
>> So, I appreciate your feedback and hopefully with more  
>> information  about your needs we can help you out. In that light  
>> the OFBiz Users  mailing list (which has nothing to do with  
>> Undersun or the Undersun  Online Documentation) happens to be a  
>> great place to discuss this.
>> In other words, I'm not sure if documentation will meet your  
>> needs.  It sounds like what you need is analysis, and $4.95 worth  
>> of  discounted documentation (even if purchased multiple times by  
>> different people in the same company) probably won't meet your needs.
>> You mention you'd like to know about Multi Company in OFBiz, what  
>> exactly do you mean by that?
>> On the question about the permission, this might have just been a  
>> typo in the email but the permission should be "CATALOG_ADMIN"  
>> and  not "CATALOG_ADM".
>> -David
>> On Oct 6, 2005, at 10:58 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:
>>> David, I am waiting your anwser
>>> Vinicius Nadai wrote:
>>>> David,
>>>> The online documents in the site Undersun is incomplete. For  
>>>> example: Create Employer. And others.
>>>> I very need to know all about the Security.
>>>> My problem: I am giving the permisson CATALOG_ADM to a one User  
>>>> and when he to do the Login is displayed a message: This user  
>>>> not  permission to the application.
>>>> I would like to know too all about Multi Company in The OFBIZ  
>>>> and  I buied the document for this.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> _______________________________________________ Users mailing  
>>>> list  [hidden email] http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/ 
>>>> listinfo/users
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Users mailing list
>>> [hidden email]
>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>> _______________________________________________ Users mailing list  
>> [hidden email] http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - TO DAVID --- Online Documentation >>>waiting

Vinicius Nadai
26 posts
David, thanks very much for your reply.


David E. Jones wrote:


Florin's reply to this message is a good one and I second his advice.

In general OFBiz is designed to run a single company, but it does  support multiple organizations within that company without  limitation. I personally don't like the single application and single  database shared by dozens or hundreds of companies approach, and  OFBiz isn't designed for that. I have heard from people who have done  significant customization of OFBiz to try to offer this sort of  shared application, but it is a REALLY hard sell and even huge  companies like SalesForce.com and NetLedger (now owned by Oracle)  have had to spend a LOT of money to _try_ to overcome the limitations  of shared applications and convince companies that it will work okay  for them.

So, I highly recommend running separate instances for different  companies. This has been discussed a LOT on the mailing lists because  a lot of people see this as a potential way to make a buck. It is  possible, but just be careful, it is a huge nightmare to do it that  way even with systems that are designed for it, and OFBiz is not, it  is designed for customization in configuration files and not in the  database.

Our intention is to compete with ASPs that offer shared applications  by offering dedication application instances and independent  databases (though it is safe with most modern databases to run a  single db server instance with multiple separate databases), and then  they can have direct access (usually read-only) to their database for  their own custom reports and such, and there isn't the same risk of  someone accidently getting into their database because of an  application bug... In general it also makes the software more  flexible and simpler at the same time, making it easier to and  cheaper to customize, making possible things that small companies  could not otherwise do.

Okay, my thoughts on the topic again... I guess I should stop writing  about this because a lot of this is probably a repeat of what has  been said before...


On Oct 7, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:

Hi David,

Thanks for answer,

My problem is to run OFBIZ to Varios Companies and each Companies  to haver various employees.
I dont found this in any place . So, I buied your online  documentation, but don't found too.

Can you help me??


David E. Jones wrote:


Please don't take this personally, but I don't respond well to   pressure and manipulation.

The documentation site is what it is and while we try to put   information in there that is as useful as possible to the widest   audience possible, with the scope of OFBiz and all of the  possible  ways to use the system it is hard to predict what people  might want  to do with it.

So, I appreciate your feedback and hopefully with more  information  about your needs we can help you out. In that light  the OFBiz Users  mailing list (which has nothing to do with  Undersun or the Undersun  Online Documentation) happens to be a  great place to discuss this.

In other words, I'm not sure if documentation will meet your  needs.  It sounds like what you need is analysis, and $4.95 worth  of  discounted documentation (even if purchased multiple times by   different people in the same company) probably won't meet your needs.

You mention you'd like to know about Multi Company in OFBiz, what   exactly do you mean by that?

On the question about the permission, this might have just been a   typo in the email but the permission should be "CATALOG_ADMIN"  and  not "CATALOG_ADM".


On Oct 6, 2005, at 10:58 AM, Vinicius Nadai wrote:

David, I am waiting your anwser

Vinicius Nadai wrote:

The online documents in the site Undersun is incomplete. For   example: Create Employer. And others.

I very need to know all about the Security.

My problem: I am giving the permisson CATALOG_ADM to a one User   and when he to do the Login is displayed a message: This user  not  permission to the application.

I would like to know too all about Multi Company in The OFBIZ  and  I buied the document for this.


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